Keynote Speaker:

How to Bust Burnout and Harness the Grit of Superheroes

speaker picDr. Mabel Hsin 

Dr. Hsin is the Executive Lead for Wellness and Health Services at Altitude HCM, where she consults for organizations interested in improving health outcomes. She is a public speaker on topics of health and wellness, and has presented at medical conferences, private organizations, and hospitals. She is also helping people build resilience by running Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programs.

Prior to this, she worked as a family physician for 30 years. Her recently published book Ahead of the Curve: Lessons Learned from the Pandemic and How They Help Us Achieve Health and Happiness was intended to help readers build resilience.


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Eastern Time Zone Saturday, November 13, 2021 - Conference

9:00 am -10:00 am

Platform Open
Networking Meet & Greet

Find attendees and sponsors on the platform to connect via Live Video Chat, join networking rooms and collect gamification points!

10:00 am – 10:15am

Opening Remarks

Sonja Hodis, Chair National Events Committee
Jamie Herle, CCI National President

10:15 am – 11:15 am

Urban Sustainability: Preparing for an Evolving Energy Landscape in Condos/Stratas

Sonja Hodis - Moderator
Ben Newell, SWTCH Energy                
Alexandra Zakreski, Parity            
Paul Mertes, CircuitMeter

Condos/stratas and multi-family buildings are responsible for more than a third of carbon emissions every year. As the energy landscape in urban environments evolves, condo owners are exploring innovative technologies to intelligently manage energy consumption, reduce impacts on peak demand, and generate savings.

From managed electric vehicle (EV) charging to AI-optimized energy-efficiency and electrical metering solutions, experts in clean technology will shed light on the latest trends in energy management and the solutions available to condominiums/stratas  to optimize their building operations and deliver cost savings.

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11:15 am – 11:30 am

Break in Sponsor Hall
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11:30 am – 12:30 pm

How to Bust Burnout and Harness the Grit of Superheroes – Keynote Address

Dr. Mabel Hsin

Ever notice how in Marvel movies, our superheroes like Thor, Wonder Women, and Spiderman seem to have the ability to bounce back from all sorts of setbacks? 
Wouldn’t you want to learn how to tap into that superpower of resiliency, so you can bounce back from all the frustrations that accumulate as a condo/strata property manager or board director, as well as in your personal lives? 

Happiness and resilience are skills. Just like any skill, they can be developed. 

Drawing data from neuroscience, psychology, and medicine, you will learn about how to bust burnout by changing your physiology. 

You will learn how to launch proven strategies which you can apply immediately that will help you build resilience, so you can bounce back from the emotional exhaustion that come from your role as leaders. 

These strategies not only have demonstrated anti-aging effects, but they also improve our immune system, health, and increase our happiness. 


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12:30 pm – 1:00 pm

Break in Sponsor Hall

1:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Networking Breakout rooms

Andree Ball - Moderator

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1:35 pm – 2:30 pm

Hybrid Meetings

Jennifer Dickenson - Moderator
Adam Arcuri – Condo Voter   
Ben Zelikovitz - Get Quorum    
Denise Lash - Lash Condo Law (Ontario)  
Erin Berney – Field Law (Alberta)

Virtual Meetings have been a constant over  the last year and a half. While some of us can't wait to see the back end of Zoom meetings, others love the freedom of online meetings. While we have seen an increase in  involvement by certain members of our condominium communities such as the non resident owner  and benefits of decrease professional fees as meetings tend to be shorter and there is no travel time, the question everyone is asking is what is next.  Can you can balance the needs of those who prefer to interact in person  with  those who prefer to interact virtually  while still ensuring productive, interactive  and effective meetings. Join our panelists as they discuss the pros and cons of a hybrid meeting from a legal and technical perspective. 

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2:30 pm – 2:45 pm

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2:50 pm – 3:30 pm

Ask the Expert Panel

Devon Cassidy - Moderator
Jodi Scarlett, President, ProStar Cleaning and Restoration
Henry Jansen, President, Criterium Jansen Engineering 
Justin Tudor, President, Keller Engineering
Sherry Bignell, Vice-President, Client Executive BFL Canada
Adam Arcuri, President CondoVoter
Dawn Mitchell, Real Estate Practice Leader for Alberta, HUB

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3:35 pm – 4:45 pm
Legal Panel and Closing remarks

Sonja Hodis - Moderator
Jamie Bleay (BC)
Dionne Levesque (AB)
Marc Kelly (SK)
Doug Forbes (MB)
Patricia Elia (ON)
Geoff Penney (Nfld)
Pat Cassidy (NS)
Andrew Costin (NB)

Join our coast to coast legal panel as they discuss and debate various legal issues affecting condos/stratas. Don't miss out on what they have to say about topics such as enforcing your rules in situations involving mental health issues; storage and access of your condo/strata records including recent cyber security breaches of owner information; and the current trends regarding redevelopment of condo/strata properties. This is a session you don't want to miss!

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Delegate Registration

CCI Member Registration: $40 + tax
Non-Member Registration: $125 + tax

Register Today


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