Leaders' Forum Program

All events, unless otherwise noted, are being held at the Hotel Halifax: 1990 Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Start Time End Time Lapsed time
(hrs: min)
12:30 PM 1:00 PM 0:30 Lunch - for National Executive Empress Room
1:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 CCI National Executive Meeting [By Invitation Only] Empress Room
3:00 PM 3:30 PM 0:30 Refresh / Break  
3:30 PM 5:30 PM 2:00 Joint CCI National Executive/Council Meeting [By Invitation Only] Empress Room
5:30 PM 6:30 PM 1:00 Refresh / Break  
6:30 PM 8:30 PM 2:00 Meet & Greet - All Welcome Bluenose Room
Start Time End Time Lapsed time
(hrs: min)

THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2024 - Overall Theme - Selling CCI

(Thursday Overall MC: Stacey Malcolm)

8:00 AM 9:30 AM 1:30 National Committee Chairs (Super Committee) Working Breakfast Meeting [By Invitation Only] Messer Room
      CCI-N Council Breakfast Meeting [By Invitation Only] Empress Room
      Networking Breakfast [All Attendees Welcome] Bluenose Room
9:30 AM 9:40 AM 0:10

Opening Remarks /  President's Remarks
Devon Cassidy (CCI-National Executive Member and President) (Nova Scotia Chapter)

Bluenose Room
9:40 AM 9:45 AM 0:05

Indigenous Protocol
Devon Cassidy (CCI-National Executive Member and President) (Nova Scotia Chapter)

Bluenose Room
9:45 AM 10:15 AM 0:30

Welcome to the Leaders Forum… Now What? 

Whether this is your first time or you are an experienced NLF participant, join us in this session to find out what to expect at the NLF and tips and tricks to make the most of this event.  

Stacey Malcolm (Co-Chair of the Events Committee) (Eastern Ontario Chapter)
Sharon Siuksteris (Co-Chair of the Events Committee) (North Saskatchewan Chapter)

Bluenose Room
10:15 AM 11:15 AM 1:00

Facilitated Session: Selling CCI to YOUR Chapter – A World Café Experience

Kickstart your day at the CCI Leaders Forum with a dynamic World Café session. Dive into a morning of stimulating discussions, innovative ideas, and strategic networking. Discover how to balance and boost membership within your Chapter, tailored uniquely to each one's needs. This interactive session promises to ignite meaningful conversations that pave the way for action-oriented outcomes. Join us to connect, engage, and transform your chapter's potential.

Heather MacDonald, Chief Development Officer, YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth (Nova Scotia)

Bluenose Room
11:15 AM 11:30 AM 0:15 Refresh / Break  
11:30 AM 12:15 PM 0:45

CCI Social Media Update

The ARCC Committee will provide an update on the initiative of joining the Resource Centre and Communication committees since the NLF in Saskatoon. An update on the direction received to improve the CCI national website and social media presence will be provided. The ARCC committee will also discuss its process in improving the Resource Centre content and accessibility.

Adrian Breitwieser, CRP (Co-Chair of the ARCC Committee) (South Alberta Chapter)
Michelle Dyer (Chief Operations Officer, Theresa Place Media)
Luis Hernandez (Co-Chair of the ARCC Committee) (Toronto & Area and Windsor Chapters)
Theresa Place (President, Theresa Place Media)

Bluenose Room
12:15 PM 1:15 PM 1:00 LUNCH  
1:15 PM 2:00 PM 0:45

CCI's Dragon's Den: Selling Your Chapter

A fun and interactive activity designed to ignite enthusiasm for your CCI Chapter!

Participants will work in groups to craft compelling “elevator pitches”, highlighting the unique aspects and benefits of their CCI Chapters. These pitches will be presented to a panel of “Dragons” who will evaluate and provide constructive feedback on each presentation. Whether you are part of the presentation or providing your team with ideas, “CCI Dragon’s Den: Selling your Chapter” will ensure that participants leave with ideas for creatively promoting their chapters, beyond focusing on membership numbers.

Stacey Kurck, (Moderator) (National Events Committee Member) (Toronto & Area Chapter)

Heather Dickenson, (Co-Chair of the Events Committee) (London & Area Chapter)

Bluenose Room
2:00 PM 3:00 PM 1:00

Committee Meetings

ARCC (Bluenose Room)
BPIR (Bluenose Room)
Government Relations (Empress Room)
Governance (Messer Room)
National Events (Bluenose Room)
Risk Management & Finance (Bluenose Room)



3:00 PM 3:30 PM 0:30

Remember - You're Still a Member

Attendees are invited to explore a crucial aspect of leadership: remembering our role as members. We'll delve into what initially inspires us to step up and lead among our peers and what fuels our ongoing commitment. Through candid discussions led by seasoned and emerging leaders, this session explores the member experience and how it shapes our decisions and priorities as leaders. Discover the intrinsic motivations that drive us and learn strategies to maintain enthusiasm and involvement throughout the leadership journey while translating it into boosted membership and engagement.

Murray Johnson, LCCI (Toronto & Area Chapter) 
Abbie Thurgood, (South Alberta Chapter)

Bluenose Room
3:30 PM 3:45 PM 0:15 Refresh / Break  
3:45 PM 4:30 PM 0:45

Overcoming the Barriers to Engagement 

We’ll be wrapping up the day with a working session where attendees will collaborate to identify how to overcome barriers to engaging potential members or re-engaging former members. Through an interactive group exercise, attendees will work together and apply insights gleaned throughout the day to devise innovative solutions. This session will distill key takeaways into actionable tactics for driving growth and impact within our local chapters.

Stacey Malcolm (Co-Chair of the Events Committee) (Eastern Ontario Chapter)
Sharon Siuksteris (Co-Chair of the Events Committee) (North Saskatchewan Chapter)

Bluenose Room
4:30 PM 5:30 PM 1:00 Refresh / Break  
5:30 PM 9:00 PM 3:30


Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 
1055 rue Marginal Road, Halifax, NS B3H 4P7

(Ralph and Rose Chiodo Gallery)

Start Time End Time Lapsed time
(hrs: min)

FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2024 - Overall theme - Strengthening CCI

(Friday Overall MC: Sharon Siuksteris)

7:30 AM 8:30 AM 1:00 Delegates Networking Breakfast by Province - Ontario, Sask, Alberta, Atlantic Bluenose Room
8:30 AM 9:00 AM 0:30

Welcome remarks from the Mayor of Halifax

Mike Savage (Mayor of Halifax Regional Municipality)

Bluenose Room
9:00 AM 9:45 AM 0:45

Enhancing Partnerships: Strategies for Strengthening Property Manager Relationships

Frequently identified as the “Gate Keepers” to members, join us as we delve into essential elements for enhancing relationships with property managers.. In this session, we'll explore:

- Effective approaches for fostering strong connections with property managers.
- The "Easy Button" concept, providing strategies to streamline processes and boost operational efficiency.
- Strategies for nurturing long-lasting partnerships, ensuring mutual benefit and shared success.
- Overcoming the challenges faced by small chapters in delivering value to property managers
- Essential resources to facilitate seamless communication and collaboration with property managers.

Prepare for a session filled with actionable insights and practical advice aimed at elevating your Chapter’s rapport with property managers.

Leah Chambers (CCI-National Executive Member) (North Saskatchewan Chapter)
Shane Haskell (CCI-National Executive Member) (London & Area Chapter)
Anand Sharma (North Alberta Chapter President)
Donna Singbeil (North Saskatchewan Chapter President)
Brad Wells, LCCI (CCI-National Executive Member) (Grand River Chapter)

Bluenose Room
9:45 AM 10:30 AM 0:45

National Committee Updates

BPIR (Justin Tudor)
Certification (Patricia Elia)
National Events (Sharon Siuksteris)
Government Relations (Nancy Houle)
Governance (Dan Campbell and Doug Forbes)
Risk Management & Finance (Ryan Griffiths)

Bluenose Room
      Alternate: Administrators' Meeting Empress Room
10:30 AM 11:00 AM 0:30 CHECK ON LIFE BREAK  
11:00 AM 11:45 AM 0:45

Sharing Your Knowledge & Expertise: Engagement & Mentorship

This will be an exploration into preserving invaluable institutional knowledge and fostering ongoing engagement within CCI. Here, we'll delve into strategies for retaining seasoned leaders who have made substantial contributions to CCI. As these leaders transition, or prepare to transition, from active involvement, their historical insight and perspective remain indispensable assets to our organization and industry. Through candid conversations, we'll uncover innovative approaches to harnessing their wisdom and mentorship while mitigating burnout.

Andrée Ball, LCCI (CCI-National Executive Chair and Past President) (Eastern Ontario Chapter)

Stephen Cassady (CCI-South Alberta Director, Former Chair of CCI-National)
Doug Forbes (CCI-National Governance Committee Co-Chair, CCI-National Government Relations Committee Member) (Manitoba Chapter)
Jon Juffs, LCCI/ACCI (CCI-National Governance and Certification Committee Member) (Toronto & Area, Golden Horseshoe, and Huronia Chapters)

Bluenose Room
11:45 AM 12:45 PM 1:00 LUNCH  
12:45 PM 1:45 PM 1:00

Team building activity - It's a surprise!

Charity supported by this activity: Adsum House

Bluenose Room
1:45 PM 2:15 PM 0:30

(1) Coffee and Conversation: Educational Mentorship for Smaller Chapters

This session will provide chapter Education committee members with tips and tools they can use to provide meaningful educational opportunities for their members. Throughout the discussion, the facilitators will share their wisdom and expertise through their involvement with education committees in larger chapters. In addition, participants will become familiar with education resources that are available in the National Resource Center, how to access these resources and learn how to adapt them for use in their chapter.

Patricia Elia (CCI-National Executive Member) (Eastern Ontario, Golden Horseshoe, Huronia, and Toronto & Area Chapters)
Luis Hernandez (CCI-National ARCC Committee Co-Chair) (Toronto & Area and Windsor Chapters)

Bluenose Room

(2) National HR Update for Larger Chapters

HR Downloads is Canada's leading provider of HR services, training, documentation and software all in one place. CCI National signed a one-year contract with them, and they'll be assisting in the development and training of the HR training manual for all CCI employees (not just CCI National employees). We are going to be providing a summary regarding HR Downloads.

Andrée Ball, LCCI (CCI-National Executive Chair and Past President) (Eastern Ontario Chapter)
Devon Cassidy (CCI-National Executive Member and President) (Nova Scotia Chapter)

2:15 PM 3:00 PM 0:45

Increasing Revenue at your Chapter Through Fresh Opportunities 

Receive insights from the top 5 highest earning chapters on how to increase revenue outside of membership. Attendees will split into groups of 5, where facilitators from the top grossing chapters will circulate for discussions on ways their chapter’s generate revenue and how other chapters may adopt similar approaches.

Brian Antman (CCI Toronto Vice President/Treasurer)
Alicia Gatto (CCI Golden Horseshoe Treasurer)
Abbie Thurgood (CCI South Alberta Director)
Noah Johnston (CCI Eastern Ontario Director)
Jeremy Dalgliesh (CCI North Alberta Chapter Treasurer)

Bluenose Room
3:00 PM 4:30 PM 1:30 Refresh / Break  
4:30 PM 6:00 PM 2:00

SOCIAL EVENT - A. Keith's Nova Scotia Brewery Tour & Social (2 hours)

Alexander Keith's Nova Scotia Brewery
1496 Lower Water St., Halifax, NS

Group 1 (Green): tour starts at 4:30pm
Group 2 (Blue): tour starts at 4:45pm
Group 3 (Yellow): tour starts at 5:00pm
Group 4 (Purple): tour starts at 5:15pm




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