One Day Conference Program

All events, unless otherwise noted, are being held at the Hotel Halifax: 1990 Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia


Start Time End Time Lapsed time
(hrs: min)


(Saturday Overall MC: Devon Cassidy)

8:00 AM 9:00 AM 1:00 Networking Breakfast [All Attendees Welcome] Baronet
9:00 AM 9:15 AM 0:15

Opening remarks (CCI National President's remarks / CCI Nova Scotia Chapter President's remarks)

Land Acknowledgement

Devon Cassidy: CCI-National Executive Member & President, Partner, Cox & Palmer, LLP (Nova Scotia)

9:15AM 10:15AM 1:00

Starting a Condominium from the Ground Up

As the creation of housing continues to be a priority in Nova Scotia, we are seeing an increase in new construction condominium. Buying into New Construction Condominium poses different opportunities and challenges. This session will explain the steps to get a condominium project registered and the requirements to market it to a potential buyer.  

Devon Cassidy: CCI-National Executive Member & President, Partner, Cox & Palmer, LLP (Nova Scotia)

10:15 AM 10:30 AM 0:15 BREAK WITH EXHIBITORS  
10:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:00

Maintaining Mental Health in A Leadership Role 

As the Mental Health Commission of Canada has highlighted, “one in five Canadians will experience a mental health problem or illness every year, with a cost of well over $50 billion to our economy.” In the workplace, we all have a responsibility to create supportive and psychologically safe environments, address stigma and know how to support our team members. But often leaders do not apply the same care to their own mental health and the unique issues and pressures that impact those in leadership roles. This session will look at ways we can ensure we’re supporting ourselves while supporting our teams and organizations.

Steve Ashton: CPHR, Vice President, People & Organization Development, IWK Health Centre (Nova Scotia)

11:30 AM 12:30 AM 1:00

Aging in Place & Human Rights

Canadians are living longer, and one consequence is that we can expect to see an increasing number of ever-older residents among condominium populations*.  This panel discussion will explore many aspects of this likely change to building demographics.  

  • What are the implications for these residents, for condominium corporations, other residents, boards, managers and other stakeholders? 

  • Do older residents have unique interests, requirements, and priorities? 

  • Will these be in conflict with those of younger residents? 

  • Will increasing populations of older residents require rethinking condominium design priorities for new developments, and rehab priorities for older buildings?

*According to the Conference Board of Canada, in 1961, the average Canadian could expect to live to the age of 71. In 2022, the average Canadian life expectancy according to Statistics Canada is 81.3 years with women (84.1) outliving men (79.8) by about 4 years.

Layton Dorey, Chapter Board Director, CCI Nova Scotia Chapter (Nova Scotia)

Devon Cassidy CCI-National Executive Member & President, Partner, Cox & Palmer, LLP (Nova Scotia)
Mary Hills, Retired (Nova Scotia)
Laura Tablyn Watts, Chief Executive Officer, CanAge (British Columbia, Ontario, Nova Scotia)

12:30 PM 1:30 PM 1:00 LUNCH Baronet
1:30 PM 2:30 PM 1:00

Let’s Talk About - Reserves, Maintenance, Costs and Risk Management

Condominium maintenance, planning, reserve funds and increasing costs in Canada. Let’s talk about the current and future landscape for Corporations in Canada, hear from our panel of experts touching on Reserve Fund Studies, Maintenance Planning/Scheduling, Increasing Condo Fees, Insurance and Risk Management.

Devon Cassidy, CCI-National Executive Member & President, Partner, Cox & Palmer, LLP (Nova Scotia)

Don Buck, Canmar Services Ltd (Property Manager) (Nova Scotia)
Brent Dinsmore, P.Eng., Senior Project Manager, WSP (Nova Scotia)
Ed Nix, Commercial Insurance Broker and Vice President with BFL CANADA Risk and Insurance Services Inc (Nova Scotia)

2:45 PM 3:45 PM 1:00

Rules Schmules -  Improving Communication Between Owners & Tenants

In this unique session, participants will explore the intricacies of condominium living in a light-hearted and entertaining manner. "Condominium Rules Schmules" takes a fresh approach to understanding the dos and don'ts of condominium life while managing and improving the relationship between unit owners, tenants, and management. Whether you are a new condominium resident looking to navigate the rules with ease or a seasoned board member seeking a refresher, "Condominium Rules Schmules" offers something for everyone. Our facilitators blend education with entertainment to ensure that participants walk away with a better grasp of condominium rules while having a great time in the process.

Noah Johnston, LCCI, Vice President at Sentinel Management (Ontario)

Andrew Buchanan, Director of Condominium Management, Real Estate 360 (Nova Scotia) 
Courtney Cartmill, President & Principal Manager at Culture Property Management (Ontario)
Heather Dickenson, Condominium Manager, Dickenson Condo Management (Ontario)

This session generously sponsored by Yardi.

3:45 PM 4:00 PM 0:15 WRAP UP Baronet


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