Distinguished Service Award (DSA)

What is a DSA?

The Distinguished Service Award, (“DSA”) was created to honour individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the Canadian Condominium Institute or the condominium community either at the chapter or national level. It is a national honourary designation to be awarded to those deserving individuals who, by their volunteer work or other achievements have brought distinction to CCI, exemplify the standards that CCI promotes and serve as a positive role model for others. It is important that, as their peers, we recognize these friends of CCI for the time and effort they have contributed to our organization and community.

Distinguished Service Award Recipients

(Last Updated: June 2024)

Name Chapter Date Honoured Name Chapter Date Honoured
Jim Allison British Columbia  Nov-2022 Margaret Kinnear London Nov-2007
Victoria Archer North Alberta Nov-2019 Roxie Koch North Alberta Nov-2006
Andrée Ball Eastern Ontario May-2024 Sue Langlois Toronto Nov-2018
Mary Barber-Villeneuve Ottawa Nov-1999 Leo-Guy LeBlanc New Brunswick Nov-2019
Marc Bhalla Toronto Nov-2019 Maurice Lloyd Nova Scotia Oct-2017
Stephen Cassady South Alberta Nov-2013 Lyndsey McNally Toronto May-2024
Maurice Cheveldayoff Grand River Nov-2018 Anne Merry Atlantic Nov-1999
David Cummings Newfoundland and Labrador Oct-2016 Paul Murcutt Vancouver Nov-2020
Armand Conant Toronto Nov-2020 Shahid Naqi South Alberta Nov-2022
Carol Conrad Nova Scotia Oct-2015 Stefan Nespoli Grand River Nov-2022
Michael Darracotte Manitoba Nov-1999 Ernie Nyitrai Toronto & Area Oct-2016
Gordon Dick North Saskatchewan Nov-1999 Judy Orr New Brunswick  Nov-2022
Bill Dickson Golden Horseshoe Nov-2005 Don Peter London Nov-2013
Liz Dowd Ottawa Nov-2009 Ted Pritchett Grand River Nov-2018
Patsy Ernst Nova Scotia Nov-2004 Patricia Reimer Manitoba May-2002
Michele Farley Huronia Nov-2005 Ambrose Reschny South Saskatchewan Nov-2005
Maria Finoro Grand River May-2024 Diana Robstad North Saskatchewan Nov-2022
Laverne Garrow North Alberta Nov-2004 Gerrit Roosenboom Huronia Nov-2001
Dewey Grant South Alberta May-2002 Kathleen Schrumm Grand River Nov-2019
Philippe Grignon Toronto Nov-1999 Anand Sharma North Alberta May-2024
Jo-Ann Hamilton Atlantic Nov-1999 Al Siaroff Golden Horseshoe Nov-2011
Larry Hobson South Alberta Nov-1999 Kay Stallard London Nov-2005
Sonja Hodis Huronia Nov-2020 Chetan Thakore North Saskatchewan Nov-2013
Nancy Houle Eastern Ontario Nov-2020 Sally Thompson Toronto Nov-2019
Constance Hudak Eastern Ontario Nov-2017 Philippe Turner North Alberta Nov-1999
Murray Johnson Toronto Nov-2019 Walter Wakula South Alberta Oct-2024
Evelyn Jonescu South Saskatchewan Nov-2004 Howard Walker Huronia May-2002
Trish Kaplan London Nov-2006 Steve Warner Golden Horseshoe Nov-2001
Lisa Kay Toronto Nov-2010 Steve Willerding Toronto November-2004
Ed Keenleyside Golden Horseshoe Nov-2011 Phil Williams New Brunswick Nov-2020
Anne Kernaleguen North Alberta Nov-1999 Harvey Willis Toronto Sep-2002
Doreen Kerr Manitoba Oct-2015 Hugh Willis North Alberta Nov-2022
Doug King Toronto Oct-2017 Rob Zeigler Nova Scotia Nov-2018

Nomination Process

DSA Designation is proposed for those who do not fit any professional category. The nominee can only be a non-professional who is not eligible for ACCI. The National Board has the right and ability to present exceptions to the rules where warranted and agreed to by the Board.

In making your nomination or when considering a nomination made from outside of your board, we urge you to keep in mind the purpose of the DSA. Many volunteers will be deserving of recognition for their efforts but the DSA is reserved for only those who stand head and shoulders above the rest. It is important, therefore, that nominees truly meet the very high standard we have set in order to keep this award meaningful. Please remember that it is not necessary to nominate someone for a DSA every year. Local chapters are encouraged to establish their own programs for recognizing the efforts of their volunteer members.

For your assistance we have created the following guidelines for choosing and nominating individuals within your chapter or community for the DSA:

How Does Someone Qualify?
  1. The nominee must be an Individual member of CCI or someone who is affiliated with a Corporate or Sponsor member, including: members of the Board of Directors of a Corporate member; unit owners of a Corporate member; or any individual who is an owner, employee or other person affiliated with, or who qualifies as, a Sponsor member.

  2. During this affiliation nominees must have distinguished themselves by any one or more of the following:

a) their active participation in CCI as a volunteer at either the chapter or national level; 
b) their outstanding service to the condominium community at a local, provincial or national level;
c) their promotion of CCI and its Mission Statement; or 
d) a singular achievement that has a significant and beneficial impact on CCI or the condominium community at the national, provincial or chapter level.

How can We Nominate Someone?
  1. The individual must be nominated by three (3) members in good standing of CCI. The nominee shall NOT be advised of his or her nomination in advance;

  2. The nomination form issued by the National Board must be used and be fully completed. The form (PDF format) can be downloaded by clicking here.

  3. An original copy of the nomination form is to be forwarded to the Chair of the Awards Committee. A facsimile copy is acceptable. A form sent by E-mail is acceptable provided the original, (signed) copy is received within the stipulated time, (see 6 below);

  4. A copy of the nomination form is to be retained by, (or forwarded to) the Board of Directors of the chapter which the nominee is affiliated with. The Board of Directors of the local chapter must approve the nomination before it is forwarded to the national office;

  5. A nomination fee of $175.00 payable to CCI must accompany the nomination form. If for some reason the nomination is rejected the fee will be returned.

  6. All nomination forms must be delivered to the national office by no later than Friday, April 5, 2024 in order that the DSA recipients can be approved and, if applicable, be awarded their DSA at the Annual General Meeting, ("AGM") or National Awards Dinner of CCI; and

  7. If it appears unlikely that the recipient of the DSA will attend the National AGM or National Awards Dinner, the persons nominating the individual must indicate on the nomination form under the heading of "Other Information" where and when the DSA will be presented to the recipient by the Board of the chapter with which the recipient is affiliated.
Who Approves The Nomination?
  1. Once the Board of Directors of the local chapter has approved of the nomination, the Awards Committee of the National Board of Directors of CCI will review it.

  2. The Awards Committee may request that further information concerning the nominee be provided to assist it in making its recommendation

  3. If the nomination is rejected the Awards Committee will so notify those individuals making the nomination and the Board of Directors for the chapter with which the nominee is affiliated. There is no appeal from this decision but the individual may be nominated again during the following fiscal year of the corporation;

  4. If, in the opinion of the Awards Committee, the nominee meets the qualifications for the awarding of a DSA the nomination shall be brought to the National Board for approval at the next scheduled meeting of the board;

  5. If the National Board approves of the awarding of the DSA, the Awards Committee shall notify the recipient as soon as is possible, unless requested not to by the Board of the Chapter with which the recipient is affiliated, (eg. To allow the local board some opportunity to prepare for a formal presentation - this should be noted in the nomination form) and shall also notify the Board of Directors of the chapter with which the recipient is affiliated.
How Is the DSA Awarded?
  1. The recipient of the DSA will receive a certificate from the National Board in recognition of the award and will be entitled to use the designation "CCI (Hon's)".

  2. The DSA certificate will be presented to the recipient at the National AGM and/or National Awards Dinner.

  3. If the recipient cannot attend the National AGM or National Awards Dinner, the certificate may be presented by the chapter with which the recipient is affiliated at such time and place as that chapter's board shall determine;

  4. If the chapter with which the recipient is affiliated wishes to arrange for the framing of the certificate at its expense prior to presentation this should be noted on the nomination form and appropriate arrangements will be made to forward the certificate to the chapter.

  5. A list of the DSA recipients will be published in the next National Newsletter issued after the National AGM or National Awards Dinner. Chapter are encouraged to publicize the awarding of the DSA in their own newsletters and in the local press.
Are There Any Limitations On The DSA?

Only one individual may be nominated for a DSA from each chapter together with one from the National Board of CCI in each fiscal year.

Where Can I Obtain More Information?

For further information concerning the DSA please contact your local Chapter or the Chair of the National Awards Committee.

c/o Canadian Condominium Institute
National Office
7030 Woodbine Avenue
Suite 500
Markham, Ontario L3R 6G2

Tel: (416) 491-6216 
E-Mail: info@cci.ca


© 2024 CCI National