(Fellow of the Canadian Condominium Institute)
What is an FCCI?
CCI may elevate a current or former CCI professional associate to the status of 'Fellow' of the Canadian Condominium Institute. Fellowship was created to recognize and honour associates whose meritorious service to the Institute or to the condominium community best exemplifies the standards expected by CCI of its professional members.
To make a nomination, please download the Nomination Form and email your completed nomination to the address indicated on the form. Please also make the $175.00 payment for your nomination online by clicking the Submit Payment button below.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 4, 2025.
FCCI Nomination Form | Submit Payment |
Fellows of the Canadian Condominium Institute
(Last Updated: June 2024)
Name | Chapter | Date Honoured | Name | Chapter | Date Honoured |
Joan Agnew | London | Nov-07 | Robert Kelly | S. Alberta | Nov-01 |
Maria Bartolotti | South Alberta | Nov-2014 | William Kerr | N. Alberta | Nov-04 |
Marc Bateman | S. Alberta | Nov-06 | Allan King | N. Alberta | Nov-07 |
Larry Beeston | Manitoba | Nov-98 | Don Kramer | N. Alberta | Nov-98 |
Jamie Bleay | Vancouver | Nov-2013 | Michael Lander | London | Nov-02 |
Heather Bonnycastle | S. Alberta | May-02 | Denise Lash | Toronto | Nov-04 |
Patrick Cassidy | Atlantic | Nov-98 | Peter Leong | Toronto | Nov-99 |
Ron Clarke | S. Alberta | Nov-98 | Edie Lipson | Manitoba | Nov-03 |
Gina Cody | Toronto | Nov-01 | David George Medhurst | National | Nov-99 |
Sandi Cooper | N. Alberta | Nov-01 | Emmanuel Mirth | N. Alberta | Nov-06 |
Kim Coulter | Golden Horseshoe | Nov-07 | John Oakes | Toronto | Nov-06 |
Ron Danks | Golden Horseshoe | Nov-02 | Richard Pearlstein | Toronto | Nov-11 |
James M. Davidson | Ottawa | Nov-06 | John Peart | Ottawa | Nov-03 |
David Duncan | Ottawa | Nov-01 | Jeffrey Philips | London | Nov-05 |
Hugh Falconar | N. Alberta | Nov-98 | Colin Presizniuk | N. Alberta | Nov-02 |
Jonathan Fine | National | Nov-99 | Janice Pynn | Toronto | Nov-03 |
Maria Finoro | Golden Horseshoe | Nov-2014 | Ailean Reid | Ottawa | Nov-98 |
Mark Freedman | National | Nov-98 | Karen Reynolds | Golden Horseshoe | Nov-06 |
Robert Gardiner | Toronto | Nov-99 | Craig Robson | Golden Horseshoe | Nov-05 |
Robert Giesbrecht | Manitoba | Nov-99 | Alvin Rosenberg | National | Nov-99 |
Bob Girard | Toronto | Nov-09 | Mickey Rosenberg | Manitoba | Nov-01 |
Fran Graff | Ottawa | Nov-04 | Lucien Roy | N. Alberta | Nov-09 |
Connie Grant | London | Nov-98 | Barry Scott | London | Nov-04 |
Fraser Grant | London | Nov-09 | Susan Size | London | Nov-06 |
Peter Harris | Toronto | Nov-07 | Helena Smith | North Alberta | Nov-2013 |
Joan Harrower | N. Alberta | Nov-05 | Penman Smith | Golden Horseshoe | Nov-98 |
Yehudi Hendler | National | Nov-99 | Andrea Thielk | Windsor | Nov-09 |
Harry Herskowitz | Toronto | Nov-09 | Bill Thompson | Toronto | Nov-10 |
Larry Holmes | Windsor | Nov-07 | Evelyn Thompson | S. Alberta | Nov-10 |
Brian Horlick | Toronto | Nov-11 | Park Thompson | Toronto | Nov-2014 |
Deborah Howes | N. Alberta | Nov-99 | Judy Walker | S. Alberta | Nov-11 |
Gerald Hyman | Toronto | Nov-98 | Rob Weinberg | Toronto | Nov-19 |
Murray Johnson | Toronto | May-2024 | Barry Widman | Toronto | Nov-02 |
Steven Karr | Toronto | Nov-05 | Ray Wilson | Golden Horseshoe | Nov-03 |
Nomination Process
How Does Someone Qualify?
1. The nominee must be a current or former Professional Associate, (a LCCI or ACCI holder) of CCI.
2. Nominees must have distinguished them- selves by:
a) their active participation in CCI as a volunteer at either the chapter or national level;
b) their outstanding service to the condominium community at a local, provincial or national level;
c) their promotion of CCI and its mission statement; or
d) a singular achievement that has a significant and beneficial impact on CCI or the condominium community at the national, provincial or chapter level.
How can We Nominate Someone?
- The individual must be nominated by three, (3) members in good standing of CCI. The nominee shall n o t be advised of his or her nomination in advance.
- The nomination form issued by the National Executive Board must be used and be fully completed, (copy attached).
- An original copy of the nomination form is to be forwarded to the Chair of the Awards Committee. A form by e-mail is acceptable provided the original, (signed) copy is received within the stipulated time, (see 6 below).
- A copy of the nomination form is to be retained by, (or forwarded to) the Board of Directors of the chapter which the nominee is affiliated with.
- A nomination fee of $175.00, payable to CCI, must accompany the nomination form. If for some reason the nomination is rejected the fee will be returned.
- All nomination forms must be delivered to the national office by no later than April 4, 2025, in order that the FCCI recipients can be approved and, if applicable, be awarded their FCCI at the CCI National Leaders’ Forum.
- If it appears unlikely that the recipient of the FCCI will attend the National Leaders’ Forum, the persons nominating the individual must indicate on the nomination form under the heading of “other Information” where and when the FCCIwill be presented to the recipient by the Board of the Chapter with which the recipient is affiliated.
Who Approves The Nomination?
- The Awards Committee of the National Board of Directors of CCI will review the nomination and make its recommendation to the CCI National Executive Board as to whether the nominee should or should not receive the FCCI. The Awards Committee may request that further information concerning the nominee be provided to assist it in making its recommendation.
- The person nominated must be a member of the nominating chapter, nominations by others must be submitted to the Chapter and approved by the Chapter. The Chapter must review all nominations and the most deserving member should be nominated for the award.
- The National Executive Board has the right and ability to present exceptions to the rules where warranted and agreed to by the Board.
- The CCI National Executive Board of Directors of CCI will determine whether or not the FCCI shall be awarded but shall, in making its decision, take into consideration the membership Committee’s recommendations.
- If the nomination is rejected by the National Executive Board, the Awards Committee will notify those individuals making the nomination and the Board of Directors for the chapter with which the nominee is affiliated. There is no appeal for this decision, but the individual may be nominated again during
the following fiscal year of the corporation. - If the National Executive Board approves of the awarding of the FCCI the Awards Committee shall notify the recipient as soon as is possible, unless requested not to by the Board of the Chapter with which the recipient is affiliated, (e.g. to allow the local board some opportunity to prepare for a formal presentation — this should be noted in the nomination form) and shall also notify the Board of Directors of the chapter with which the recipient is affiliated.
How Is the FCCI Awarded?
- The recipient of the FCCI will receive a certificate from the National Executive Board in recognition of the award and will be entitled to use the designation “FCCI”.
- The FCCI certificate will be presented to the recipient at the National AGM and/or National Awards Dinner.
- If the recipient cannot attend the C C I National Leaders’ Forum, the certificate may be presented by the chapter with which the recipient is affiliated at such time and place as that chapter’s board shall determine.
- A list of the FCCI recipients will be published after the CCI National Leaders’ Forum. Chapters are encouraged to publicize the awarding of the FCCI in their own newsletters and in the local press.
Where Can I Obtain More Information?
For further information concerning the FCCI please contact your local Chapter or the Chair of the National Awards Committee.
c/o Canadian Condominium Institute
National Office
7030 Woodbine Avenue
Suite 500
Markham, Ontario L3R 6G2Tel: (416) 491-6216
E-Mail: info@cci.ca