CCI-N Fall Leaders’ Forum

November 4 - 7, 2020

CCI-N Fall Leaders’ Forum

November 4-7, 2020

For this year’s Leaders’ Forum, CCI is going Virtual!

This Leaders’ Forum, "Looking Forward" will offer a platform to network and find collective inspiration on how the organization moves forward in the best interests of the membership.

Because we are going digital, there are some neat things we have planned:

There are lots of opportunities to pose your questions during our deep dive Q&A sessions planned throughout the Leaders' Forum and Conference, so be sure to register for both!

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Eastern Standard Time

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

2:00pm - 4:00pm

CCI National Executive and National Council Joint Meeting - By invitation only.

4:00pm - 5:00pm

Ontario Caucus Meeting - By invitation only.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

10:00am - 10:10am

Opening Remarks  

10:10am - 11:00am


LIVE Q&A: 11:00am - 11:30am


Committee and Executive Initiative Update  - Jamie Herle (Vice President)

Find out what Executive and the Committee Chairs are working on and obtain updates on key initiatives and undertakings as well as what they need your help with and how it impacts your chapter. Join the Live Q&A after viewing the recording ahead of time.

11:30am - 1:00pm


Update on the CCI National Business Plan -  Sally Thompson (TOR) and Justin Tudor (EO)

A committee has been working with Relevance Collective to develop a Business Plan for CCI National. There have been many meetings and significant dialogue exploring our competitive landscape, member needs and wants, and possible paths forward. This session will bring members up to date on the status of the project.

1:00pm - 2:00pm


Exhibit Hall Hang Out

Hang out with fellow leaders, sponsors and exhibitors during rotating 15 minute sessions.   All those participating in this great networking opportunity will be randomly assigned into intimate break out rooms for 15 minutes.  Every 15 minutes the breakout rooms will be reassigned.   Meet someone new or connect with someone you already know.  Share your successes, ask your questions, give advice  and find out who is at the Leaders’ Forum.  Don’t have enough time to meet everyone? Find them in the Whova App under Attendees and connect directly with them!

 LIVE Q&A:  1:30pm - 2:00pm


ByLaws Updates - Doug Shanks and Nancy Houle (EO)

Find out the details of the CCI-National Bylaw updates being proposed at the CCI National AGM on Friday.   Ask your questions and get a clear understanding of the changes before you cast your vote at the AGM.   Q&A portion will be live and Nancy and Doug will be available to answer your questions.  

 LIVE Q&A:   2:00pm - 2:30pm


Maximizing your (Paid/Unpaid) Labour Force: What is your Labour Force Plan? - Devon Cassidy (NS) Maria Durdan (GHC) Rebecca May-Gorges (NSK)

Trying to figure out how to best leverage your volunteer labour force and/or your paid staff can be a challenge.  Understanding what duties  your chapter needs fulfilled is the first step to creating a labour force plan that will avoid burnout of your volunteers and maximize the return on your dollars in terms of your labour investment.   Watch the panel session ahead of time and then join them for a Live Q&A.


Free time

6:30pm - 7:00pm 


Fireside Chat with CCI National Executive 

Here is your chance to ask your burning questions about CCI from the team that leads CCI directly. The National Executive is making themselves available to answer questions from you, our chapter leaders.

7:00pm - 7:30pm


Awards Ceremony 

7:30pm - 8:30pm


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CCI Trivia Night (BYOB)  - Hosted by Jennifer Dickenson (LON)

Join us for a Nation-wide trivia event!  Show us what you got and be ready to compete for prizes.  Trivia subjects will include History, Science, Movies,  Music, Sports , Canadian Geography as well as questions about  CCI Exhibitors and Sponsors!

Create your own team of  four  CCI Friends or we will put teams together.  Don't forget to come up with a team name! 

Friday, November 6, 2020

10:20am - 10:30am

Opening Remarks 

10:30am - 11:30am

Exhibit Hall Open

 LIVE Q&A: 11:00am - 11:30am


How to use the Resource Centre Effectively - Stefan Nespoli (LON), Luis Hernandez (WIND) and Stephanie Sutherland (LON)

A refresher on the different sections of the Resource Centre, inlcuding internal and external sections; along with how to maximize its value using tags, uploads and searchability functions. Watch the recorded how-to and then join the live Q&A for additional guidance

11:30am - 1:00pm


Looking Forward: Where Do We Go  From Here?  - Moderated by Sonja Hodis (HUR)

2020 has forced many of our chapters to innovate, change and reevaluate how they deliver services and to whom.    How does this impact membership and revenue for both chapters and the organization as a whole.  Join chapter leaders in this national discussion as we collectively evaluate and find inspiration on how we go forward  from here.    There are lessons to be learned from each other and opportunities to be captured as we look forward and shape CCI's future.

1:00pm - 2:00pm


CCI National AGM 

2:00pm - 3:00pm


Exhibit Hall Hang Out

Hang out with fellow leaders, sponsors and exhibitors during rotating 15 minute sessions.   All those participating in this great networking opportunity will be randomly assigned into intimate break out rooms for 15 minutes.  Every 15 minutes the breakout rooms will be reassigned.   Meet someone new or connect with someone you already know.  Share your successes, ask your questions, give advice  and find out who is at the Leaders’ Forum.  Don’t have enough time to meet everyone? Find them in the Whova App under Attendees and connect directly with them!

  LIVE Q&A:  3:00pm - 3:30pm


So You Want To Plan a Virtual Conference? – Maria Finoro, Michelle Kelly, Theresa Place (GRC)

If you have been considering making the leap from in-person to virtual, learn from those that are currently in the midst of planning their first online conference!  Grand River Chapter will share what they have learned to date, and what they are working on to make their first conference a huge success in the online world. From appealing to sponsors to engaging participants, this is a new world, and we want our chapters to be prepared! A Live Q&A will be available after you watch their recorded session.   

3:30 pm 

Closing Remarks

Click here for National Conference: Saturday, November 7, 2020
(Separate Registration Fee Required)

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