Governance, Resources, and Committees
Development and sharing of professional best practices from our national network.
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The Only National Condominium Organization in Canada
Membership Offers Professional Assistance, Seminars, Courses, and Networking.
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CCI – Your National Condo Connection
...To the Network
- Chapters and members belong to the only unified, national organization promoting the interests of the condominium community
- Both members and Chapters benefit from development and sharing of professional best practices from the national network
- Publication of quarterly national newsletter updates you and your members on condominium issues and activities across the country and in individual Chapters
- Your members can access conferences and seminars held by any Chapter in the country at the reduced members' rate
- National branding builds awareness of Chapter roles in the condominium community and of member quality/knowledge within Chapters
- National awards (Hall of Fame, Chapter of the Year, Best Newsletter, Fellows, Distinguished Service Awards) highlight the contribution of members and Chapters to the condominium community and to CCI
- National facilitates discussion and development of a common position amongst Chapters on shared issues (e.g. taxation, legislative changes, etc.)
- National surveys (e.g. poll of professional members on CRA treatment of condominium revenues, member survey on proposed National Flag of Canada Act) provide important ways of gathering information from across the country to create resources or establish official CCI positions
… To Chapter Success
- Use of the national brand promotes Chapter and member identity
- The ACCI program, by becoming more accessible, helps you build membership amongst condominium professionals and gives them a tool to promote their expertise
- National Spring Meeting, rotating annually amongst Chapters, provides excellent networking and Chapter development opportunities
- National electronic survey platform available to Chapters to identify member needs, perceptions and concerns
…To Resources
- National produces materials to support Chapters in education, networking, professionalism, representation and recruitment
- National provides the Chapter manual to assist Chapters with operations
- National website provides members' only access to resource materials, legal articles, archive of national newsletters, and the Rooftop Forum
- National virtual boardroom facilitates sharing of Chapter resources and successful strategies (e.g. Education Courses, Seminar Topics, etc.)
- National branding materials provide valuable promotional tools to Chapters
- National publications (e.g. Canadian Condominium Legislation: A Coast to Coast Comparison and Reserve Funding for Condominiums: Provincial Legislation and Commentary on Local Practice) provide high quality information for members
- National press releases (e.g. "National Condominium Association Expresses Concern About Flag Act") establish positions and promote dialogue on issues of concern
...To National Governance
- Chapter participation in management of CCI nationally assured by equal representation on National Council (by-law revision in 2009)
- Chapter concerns/inputs discussed at national level during semi-annual National Council and monthly National Executive Board meetings
…To National Committees
- Chapter financial and membership health assured through quarterly statistical and annual financial audit reviews by National Finance Committee
- National Membership Committee, with voluntary participation by Chapter Membership Chairs, developing and implementing shared membership development tools – standardized membership application, member database template, three new promotional pieces; reintroduction of Ambassador Program supported by related marketing tools for Chapters wishing to use it as a recruitment program
…To Government/Stakeholder Relations
- National obtained government ruling that taxes do not apply on condominium corporation reserves
- Development of letters to government (e.g. Saskatchewan) on legislative changes
- Facilitation of interprovincial communication amongst government condominium regulators through semiannual luncheon and meetings
- Promotion of CCI positions to government through National Government Relations Committee
- Provision of tools for provincial governments on national condominium issues through publications (e.g. Canadian Condominium Legislation: A Coast to Coast Comparison, Reserve Funding for Condominiums: Provincial Legislation and Commentary on Local Practice)
- National maintains relationships with other national organizations (e.g. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, National Home Builders Association) on condominium issues
- National has entered into an agreement with the American Community Association Institute (CAI) to share resources and best practices, thereby strengthening both organizations and their respective Chapters
…To Technical Assistance
- Hot line for Chapter support and to share strategies for sustained efforts
- "How-to" manual for Chapter formation and action guides for specific Chapter activities (National Policy and Procedure Manual, Chapter Manual, Branding Manual)
- Consultation, strategic planning and Chapter leadership development
- Development of specially designed templates for Chapter communication and promotion materials
- Visits by National Directors and staff to bolster National presence at the Chapter level, as needed
- Annual training and orientation teleconferences for Administrators and new National Directors
- Annual Chapter Governance Clinic on topics of interest (membership development, newsletters, privacy issues, Ambassador Program, etc.)
…To Financial Assistance
- National hosts many Chapter websites on a complimentary basis
- Chapters can access webmaster services at reduced rates through national operations services
- Commercial and Directors & Officers liability insurance provided to meet all Chapter needs through the national umbrella policies
- National pays travel and accommodation costs for Chapter representatives to attend semi-annual National Council meetings and associated seminars/workshops
- National grants available on approved application for Chapters in financial need