June 8, 2021 Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter

COVID: Supply Shortfalls - CondoTalk

Over the last year you might have noticed some supply shortfalls due to COVID-19. Currently, the material facing the most severe shortfall is lumber, and what can be obtained is significantly more expensive than in past years. Not only this, but there is also a shortage of qualified tradesmen who we need to cover projects at hand and contractors that simply can’t fulfill their contracts and refusing new work...


Over the last year you might have noticed some supply shortfalls due to COVID-19. Currently, the material facing the most severe shortfall is lumber, and what can be obtained is significantly more expensive than in past years. Not only this, but there is also a shortage of qualified tradesmen who we need to cover projects at hand and contractors that simply can’t fulfill their contracts and refusing new work. This Property Management panel will discuss how Condo Boards can strategize to get their projects completed and on budget.

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