Maintenance and Repairs

July 28, 2021 Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Duty to Repair

Does your condo have projects that have been on the books for 10 or even 20 years and projects keep getting deferred? With the Florida condo collapse crisis, it’s time to think about the Duty to Repair. Some Boards want to do the work, but owners don’t want to have a Special Assessment, or don’t know how to find funding if the Reserve Fund isn’t plentiful...


Does your condo have projects that have been on the books for

10 or even 20 years and projects keep getting deferred?

With the Florida condo collapse crisis, it’s time to think about the Duty to Repair.

Some Boards want to do the work, but owners don’t want to have a Special Assessment, or don’t know how to find funding if the Reserve Fund isn’t plentiful.  

Hear how one condo in the GTHA has deemed some balconies unsafe, with the board preparing to repair, yet struggle to find the funds and unaffected owners voting to defer - yet again. Share your “Duty to Repair” issues and Repair/Maintenance questions during the registration process and our team of esteemed panelists will do their best to touch on it.  

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