Reserve Funds

October 6, 2021 Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Reserve Fun – Costs gone Wild!

Construction costs have been rising in Ontario due to the pandemic’s far-reaching impact on everything from labour to material costs. Labour productivity has been an issue due to the requirements for physical distancing, constant sanitization activities and check-in mandates to ensure worker safety. Labour costs have also risen due to the need for additional personal protection equipment (PPE). ...


Construction costs have been rising in Ontario due to the pandemic’s far-reaching impact on everything from labour to material costs. Labour productivity has been an issue due to the requirements for physical distancing, constant sanitization activities and check-in mandates to ensure worker safety. Labour costs have also risen due to the need for additional personal protection equipment (PPE). Material costs have fluctuated wildly due to disrupted supply chains and continuing changes in demand (eg: lumber demands due to a rise in home and yard improvement projects).

This webinar will discuss how many of these issues have had a significant impact on capital repair projects for condominium corporations within our region. Speakers will include industry representatives from the property management, contracting and engineering sectors.

  • Craig McMillan, Maple Ridge Community Management (MRCM)
  • Justin Deboer, Skyline Contracting
  • Stephen Marson, Cion|Coulter

Thank You to Our Sponsor



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