Condo Living

January 26, 2022 Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Mental Health in Condos Amid a Pandemic

Isolation, as well as economic and social factors, can have a negative impact on physical and mental health. The number of people suffering from mental illnesses is continually growing, and many of them live among us in condos. Join our webinar to learn about what you can do as a manager/owner and how you can help your residents to cope with mental issues during pandemic.


Mental Health in Condos Amid a Pandemic

Isolation, as well as economic and social factors, can have a negative impact on physical and mental health. The number of people suffering from mental illnesses is continually growing, and many of them live among us in condos. Join our webinar to learn about what you can do as a manager/owner and how you can help your residents to cope with mental issues during pandemic.

During this webinar we will cover the following topics:

  • Warning Signs of Mental Disabilities and Illness
  • If a unit owner show signs of mental illness, who has the authority to speak on their behalf?
  • What’s your role if you suspect Domestic Violence in your Condo?
  • Stress Factors of all parties during a Pandemic
  • What is the Property Manager’s role when working with owners experiencing mental health issues?
  • What’s the Board’s role in all of this?
  • Moderator: Maria Durdan, Partner, SimpsonWigle LAW LLP
  • Patricia Elia, B. Comm. LL.B., A.T. Coach, Elia Associates PC
  • Michelle Joy, RCM, BA, Wilson Blanchard Management Condo
  • Jonathan Wright, Elia Associates  
  • Jill Denison, Mental Health Promotion and Resilience Facilitator for CMHA Hamilton


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