
February 16, 2022 Published by Eastern Ontario Chapter

Let’s Chat about the CAT!

With the jurisdiction of the Condominium Authority Tribunal (the CAT) having expanded at the beginning of this year, it is increasingly important to understand what types of matters are now handled by the CAT, and what key information you need to navigate the CAT process. This session will commence with a short summary of the CAT jurisdiction and process, and will then be opened up for Q&A. Please submit your


With the jurisdiction of the Condominium Authority Tribunal (the CAT) having expanded at the beginning of this year, it is increasingly important to understand what types of matters are now handled by the CAT, and what key information you need to navigate the CAT process.  This session will commence with a short summary of the CAT jurisdiction and process, and will then be opened up for Q&A.  Please submit your questions in advance!

View slides [PDF] [PPTX]

  • Nancy Houle, Davidson Houle Allen LLP
  • Melinda Andrews, Davidson Houle Allen LLP
Thank You to Our Sponsors:
  • Keller Engineering
  • Condominium Management Group (CMG)
  • Elia Associates


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