Environment - Climate Change

May 17, 2022 Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Going Electric - Condos and Car Chargers

This panel discussion will focus on preparing condominiums for growing electric vehicle (EV) adoption among residents. Experts with an understanding of the legal, management, and technology dimensions of EV charging will share insights based on real-world experience. Participants will walk away from this webinar with concrete guidance on implementing infrastructure cost-saving strategies and navigating funding opportunities, such as...


This panel discussion will focus on preparing condominiums for growing electric vehicle (EV) adoption among residents. Experts with an understanding of the legal, management, and technology dimensions of EV charging will share insights based on real-world experience. Participants will walk away from this webinar with concrete guidance on implementing infrastructure cost-saving strategies and navigating funding opportunities, such as the federal Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP) which is scheduled to end in 2027.

This session will cover:

  • Retrofitting existing condos
  • Hydro capacity issues


  • Moderator: Maria Durdan, Partner, SimpsonWigle LAW LLP
  • Manny Alter, Director of Business Development EVdirect Inc.
  • Patricia Elia, B. Comm. LL.B., A.T. Coach, Elia Associates PC
  • Michelle Joy, RCM, BA, Wilson Blanchard Management Condo



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