
July 14, 2022 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - By CCI-Toronto Chapter

Legislative Newsflash: Airbnb Class Action Settlement

CCI-Toronto has been made aware of a class action lawsuit that was filed in British Columbia against Airbnb. Based on the proposed class definition as filed with the BC court, the class includes a) all condominium corporations in Canada whose common elements were used or rented through Airbnb without the corporation’s consent, and in breach of the corporation’s governing documents, and ...


Release date: July 14, 2022

Airbnb Class Action Settlement

CCI-Toronto has been made aware of a class action lawsuit that was filed in British Columbia against Airbnb.  Based on the proposed class definition as filed with the BC court, the class includes a) all condominium corporations in Canada whose common elements were used or rented through Airbnb without the corporation’s consent, and in breach of the corporation’s governing documents, and b) all Canadian residents who own real property and whose real property was listed and rented through Airbnb without their consent.

The court has approved a settlement of the class action lawsuit.  Pursuant to the settlement, a fund of $500,000.00 has been made available for distribution to class members.

Given the broad definition of the class, many of CCI-Toronto’s members will be part of same.  Any condominium corporation or individual who is part of the class, and who wishes to file a claim for a portion of the settlement fund, must do so by August 8, 2022.  The claims form, and other information about the lawsuit and settlement, can be found on the website of the law firm representing the plaintiffs:

CCI is committed to providing regular ongoing updates regarding all legislation concerning condominiums, in order to keep our members abreast of changes they need to be aware of.



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