
September 7, 2022 Published by London and Area Chapter - By unknown

CMRAO Enforcement News—Did you know?

From the CCI Review 2022/2023-1 September 2022 issue of the CCI London Chapter

The Code of Ethics sets out, in regulation, the general obligations of condo managers and condo management companies, and promotes professionalism, reliability and quality of service. Enforcement is carried out by the Discipline Committee of CMRAO.

Complaints received by the CMRAO could lead to disciplinary hearings. As outlined in O. reg 3/18 of the Condominium Management Services Act (CMSA), these matters are expected to be heard by a panel of at least three members from the CMRAO Discipline Committee.

If the Discipline Committee determines that a licensee has failed to comply with the Code of Ethics, it may order penalties as appropriate under the CMSA.

Decisions of the Discipline Committee can be appealed (by any party to a hearing) to the CMRAO Appeals Committee.

You can view cases here:


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