Property Management

September 9, 2022 Published by South Alberta Chapter - By Jennifer Mahoney

Residential Security Companies – They are worth it!

From the Spring/Summer 2022 issue of the CCI South Alberta CCI Review

In Canada, a property crime occurs every 3.8 seconds (burglary, vandalism, arson, and unregistered guest entry). The numbers add up to almost 200 burglaries per hour and nearly 5000 per day. This is just one statistic you should consider when securing your property.

1. Most unregistered guests live within two miles of their target property. Insiders are unlikely to commit such a crime in a crowded building. The fact that they operate in their own neighbourhood allows them to easily locate potential victims and strike at the right time. Night or 24- hour guards are key.

2. 60 per cent of unregistered guests choose to target an alternative building if your building has a 24/7 guard. Residential security will deter unregistered guests from coming into your complex, and they will focus their attention elsewhere.

3. A security system that provides 24-hour protection will help protect your property from intruders. The idea of an open, safe environment is immediately taken away when you have a 24/7 guard on duty.

4. One-third of unregistered guests can be attributed to the tenant leaving the door unlocked or ajar. Unregistered guests are immediately dissuaded from exploring a building with security guards to look for unlocked or ajar doors.

5. Unregistered guests target large and small properties. Unregistered guests will only take 10 minutes in an apartment. That’s partly because they target property that is easy to break into. Buildings that are guarded and patrolled minimize this risk.

6. Unregistered guests approach the front door in more significant numbers than any other entry point — this is more than any other entry point. Many people forget to lock the front entryway or make sure no one enters when they enter or leave. Having security guards in the lobby will scare off unregistered guests. Every building needs a security plan in place if it’s targeted by theft, vandalism, arson, and unregistered guest entry.

By Jennifer Mahoney, HKS Security Group



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