
February 9, 2023 Published by Grand River Chapter - By Henry J. Jansen

Board Tips for 2023

What happened to 2022? We are already in February 2023? Time keeps marching along and passes so quickly. Not only are you busy with your own life, but as a board member you cannot forget about your condo life.

Strategic Plan – Board Tips for Upcoming Year

What happened to 2022? We are already in February 2023? Time keeps marching along and passes so quickly. Not only are you busy with your own life, but as a board member you cannot forget about your condo life. For the upcoming year, I would recommend that the board take time for strategic planning. Setting priorities and goals early in the year puts everyone on the same page. It can be a tool to delegate tasks and can be used to track progress. It becomes a road map for the board and the property manager to follow.

For a strategic planning meeting, book 1-2 hours. If you cannot complete a strategic plan in 2 hours, then schedule a second meeting. People are not very effective after 2 hours. For the second meeting, re-cap and carry on finishing the plan.

Items to include in your strategic plan:

  1. Review you reserve fund plan. Look at projects which were not completed last year and review what is planned for this year. Set goals for 2023. Work with your engineer and property manager to create these priorities.
  2. Set the monthly calendar. This should include milestone dates for when items should be completed. This becomes a monthly score card for your corporation.
  3. Include regular annual operational maintenance. Your property manager likely has maintenance scheduled. This would include landscaping, garage cleaning, and window washing.
  4. Include items such as communication with your unit owners. This communication could be a quarterly newsletter, or monthly email. Keeping owners informed shows that property management and the board are working for the best interests of the condo.
  5. Select dates for any planned social events. A summer BBQ? Or fall AGM?
  6. Look at succession planning on the board. Ideally a board member does not have to have a life sentence. Hopefully there is enough interest to let board members serve the length of their elected term, then take break. This takes planning. It is normal to ask new owners to join the board at the appropriate time. Just asking for volunteers at an AGM does not work.
  7. Include the CCI-GRC calendar of events. Take part in the learning and social sessions. We are all in this together. Meet fellow board members and be encouraged through the CCI community.

Do not delay! Plan! Strategic Plan! It will make your life much easier!

Henry J. Jansen, P.Eng., ACCI
President, Criterium-Jansen Engineers


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