Environment - Climate Change

February 15, 2023 Published by Huronia Chapter - By Patricia Elia

Proposed Implementation of Ultra Low Overnight Energy Prices

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter

CCI Chapters from across Ontario, including CCI Huronia, undertook to make submissions on March 24, 2022 and September 16, 2022 to the Ministry of Energy in response to the Minister’s request for stakeholder input for proposed permanent changes to enable new voluntary enhanced time-of-use electricity rates. This specifically included consideration of an ultra low overnight price. CCI chapter members from across Ontario who have a material level of expertise in this area of utility pricing, enhanced the recommendation of the Committee. The report can be found here: https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-5849#comments-received

CCI highlighted that it was of critical importance to the success of ultra low overnight electricity pricing proposal, that it was necessary to change consumer behaviour in order to achieve the objective of shifting electrical consumption to the preferred time of use. The obvious benefit of the shift by condominium corporations to non-peak use, is that the capacity of the grid will be furthered and thus, further the objective electrification of other industries in Ontario. Given the number of condominiums in Ontario, there is a critical mass which could make a difference in grid capacity. CCI’s submissions were shared with other stakeholders.

We trust that the government will seriously reflect on the realities of condominiums while balancing the interests of the environment and affordability of living. Practically, government incentives for upgrading electrical infrastructure would be a big incentive for all condominiums.

Patricia Elia
Elia Associates


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