Condo Living

March 22, 2023 Published by London and Area Chapter

Religious Diversity in Our Community

From the CCI Review 2022/2023-3 March 2023 issue of the CCI London Chapter

With more and more people from different backgrounds immigrating to Canada, the population is becoming increasingly diverse. Religion is an important part of people’s lives and it is essential to make sure that everyone feels welcome and respected, regardless of their religious beliefs.

One of the first steps to respectful inclusivity is understanding the different types of religions practiced in our community. According to Statistics Canada, the majority of London’s population are Christians, or have no religion. Muslim is the only other predominant religion in London. However, diversity of religion varies by visible minority status, and this racialized population in Canada has been steadily increasing. The concept of "racialized" population is derived directly from the "visible minority group" variable, referring to the persons belonging to a visible minority group. Almost all (98%) of the non-racialized population in 2021 are Christians (55%), or have no religion (43%). In contrast, the religion of the racialized population is more diverse. The chart below shows the diverse cultural backgrounds that contribute to the religious makeup of the racialized population in London in 2021.

In a world that is increasingly becoming more connected, it's important that we learn to embrace religious diversity in our communities. Asking someone about their faith is a great way to show respect for their religious beliefs, and many people are happy to talk about it. It's also important to avoid making any assumptions about someone's religion. Just because someone is from a certain country or region doesn't mean that they necessarily practice the same religion as the majority of people in that area. We can also seek out resources that provide more information about different religions. By increasing our understanding of the diverse faiths practiced in our community, we can become more tolerant and inclusive of all members of our society.

Respectful inclusivity of religious diversity is a vital component of any modern society. As more newcomers join our community, the diversity in London & Middlesex will only grow. Creating an inclusive environment where people of all faiths can feel welcome and respected is something each of us can play a role in. Each religion has its own set of beliefs and practices, which can add to the richness and complexity of Canadian society. By taking the time to learn about and understand other faiths, we can build bridges of understanding and mutual respect.

About the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership

At its core, the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP) is designed to help newcomers to Canada integrate in our community. LMLIP does this through assisting immigrants by connecting them with services and providing information to raise awareness about services and accessibility. In addition LMLIP works with various stakeholders, that
include community groups, organizations, and the three levels of government to address issues that prevent the successful integration of immigrants in all aspects of life.

LMLIP is a collaborative community initiative, funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, and supported by the Government of Ontario and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. It is co-led by the City of London and a community member.

For more information visit the website here

Maria Enache (she/her) | Communication Officer
Ph: 519-663-0551 ext. 243
Fx: 519-663-5377

The Skill Centre, 141 Dundas St, 3rd floor, London N6A 1G3

Working together for a welcoming community


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