Maintenance and Repairs

May 18, 2023 Published by Manitoba Chapter - By Jim Huntrods

Greener Shingles Winnipeg – An Alternative to Replacing Your Shingles

From the CCI Manitoba Spring 2023 Condominium News and Views Magazine

Greener Shingles Winnipeg is pretty excited about joining the MB Chapter of CCI. My partner Myles, and I believe we have an excellent alternative for condo corps that can save them literally thousands of dollars when it comes to their shingles. Before you replace your shingles, consider rejuvenating them.

Our patented and thoroughly lab tested product is taking the roofing industry by storm. Our product can extend the life of your shingles by 5 – 15 years, depending on the state of your shingles today!

We use a 90% bio-based oil derived from soybeans mixed with polymers that will replace the lost oils in your shingles. This oil is non harmful to the environment and is pet friendly. The oil has several key features:

  • Can extend the life of your shingles by 5 – 15 years.
  • Prevents further curling and drying out of your shingles.
  • Increases hail protection.
  • Gives better protection from wind damage.
  • Returns the shingles to a like new condition.
  • Returns the color of the shingle close to the original color.
  • Increases granular adhesion by a whopping 85%.
  • Improves flexibility of the shingle.
  • Quick application, can cover 2000 sq.ft./ hr.

All these features above can be expressed as a “like new” condition. This is what your shingles will return to after spraying. When the oil is first applied it goes on white and frothy looking, but this quickly absorbs within 20-30 minutes and most customers will notice the immediate color change.

Greener Shingles Winnipeg is also an affordable solution for your shingles. Our cost to spray a roof is calculated at $1.00/sq.ft., with additional charges for steep pitches and height. As opposed to the cost of replacing your shingles which can be anywhere between $4.50 - $5.00 per sq.ft., and that does not include ridge capping, ice and water shield.

We will also be presenting a webinar on Tuesday May 2nd so we can better educate all the CCI members on our product, Greener Shingles.

Once again, we look forward to being business partner members to the MB Chapter of CCI.

Jim Huntrods
Greener Shingles, Winnipeg


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