Property Management

June 1, 2023 Published by Grand River Chapter - By Michelle Dyer

Wasn’t that a Party?

It’s the story a Condominium Manager knows all too well. The Monday morning or Tuesday morning (after a long weekend) voicemail check.

It’s the story a Condominium Manager knows all too well.

The Monday morning or Tuesday morning (after a long weekend) voicemail check.

System “You have 16 new voicemails – to listen to your voicemails press 1”

Voicemail #1:  It’s 2am Sunday morning and the person above me is having a party and the music is so loud it’s keeping me awake. What are you going to do about this? 

Voicemail #2: It’s Saturday evening and my mother wanted to come for dinner but couldn’t stay because all the visitor spaces were taken by the party going on in the area. You need to do something.

Voicemail #3: It’s Sunday morning and the people at the crazy party down the lane through cigarette butts and beer bottles in the common garden. Who is going to clean this up?

Voicemail #4: The resident beside me had a party this past weekend and propped the side door open so the guests could enter and exit as they pleased. Who is responsible for the safety in this building?

Voicemail #5: There was a drunk party-goer from Unit XYZ streaking (no clothes on) running around the parking lot screaming (woohoo) like crazy at 3am.

AND….it goes on.   

The above voicemails are examples of actual voicemails that have been received. Every concern reported is valid and Condominium Managers have no choice but to follow up with the party thrower(s) to ensure these issues don’t become a regular occurrence.  It’s a letter/phone call no reasonable condominium resident wants to receive (nor does the Condo Manager enjoy making) and ALL of it could be avoided by completing some simple courtesy’s when throwing a party in your unit. These apply to both apartment style and townhouse style condominiums.

  1. Keep your guest list reasonable and to those you trust to respect your property and the property on which you reside. If your guest list can fill an arena, you probably shouldn’t have the party in your condo and you may want to look at renting a bigger space. (Some Condominiums have party facilities but that’s another blog at another time).  
  2. Let the Condominium Manager know you are celebrating. There may be rules you are not aware of when it comes to parties in your condominium and the Condo Manager can fill you in on those.
  3. Let your neighbours know you are having folks over and it could get noisy. I’ve even seen owners give out little gift bags to neighbours containing a gift certificate for restaurant (so they can go out while your party is going on) and ear plugs for the noise…BETTER YET……
  4. Invite the neighbours. If they are a part of the festivities, it’s likely they won’t complain and can help with the noise if it gets out of hand.  
  5. Let your guests know you live in a condominium meaning remind them it’s a close quarter living arrangement and noise travels. In addition, if your condo has specific rules, like no smoking, let your guests know so they don’t break those rules. Remember you will have to face the neighbours after this party is over.
  6. Find alternate parking for your guests. Chances are visitor parking is limited and/or you only have 1 visitor parking permit. The quickest way to upset your neighbours is to have all your  guests take up the entirety of visitor parking.
  7. Ensure you have plenty of receptacles for trash, bottles etc. Keep an eye that your guests are not just throwing items off the balcony or on to the lawn. The last thing you want is to receive an invoice from the Condominium that wants reimbursement for clean up expenses.  
  8. Make sure the party wraps up at a reasonable time. Some Condominiums have rules about parties and noise. If not, then municipalities have noise bylaws – try and stay within those boundaries.
  9. A general reminder; a friend does not let other friends run, unclothed around a parking lot.

Michelle Dyer
Operations Manager
Superb Property Maintenance


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