Condo Living

June 12, 2023 Published by London and Area Chapter - By Kristi Sargeant-Kerr, Madeleine Stirland

The Director Certificate Program—Day 1

From the CCI Review 2022/2023-4 May 2023 issue of the CCI London Chapter

On Saturday, April 15, 2023, the London and Area Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute ("CCI") hosted its first Director Certificate Program course at Fanshawe College. Fifteen (15) program attendees completed the first 4 of 8 courses designed to educate condominium directors on directors' obligations, best practices for good governance, and how to foster a positive culture in their condominium communities. This program is also accredited by the CMRAO and counts towards the new ongoing CPD requirements for condominium managers.

As one of the program organizers, we wanted to create an engaging and interesting learning experience for attendees. Courses were led by speakers and panelists from various industries, including law, accounting, engineering, insurance, and condominium management. Speakers led the conversation using course materials designed by a provincial subcommittee of CCI, while a two-person panel assisted in answering questions and contributing their knowledge and experience with practical, real life examples.

Here is a brief overview of the topics covered in the first four courses:

101: Governance Fundamentals

This course started out the program with an overview of the basis of condominium governance: the Condo Act, the Declaration, Description, Bylaws, Rules and Policies of a corporation, and the roles of directors and condominium managers. Led by Kristi Sargeant-Kerr and Madeleine Stirland of Scott Petrie LLP, this course covered regulations and best practices for creating and amending governing documents; education, disclosure, and duties of directors and officers; requirements for selfmanagement and management by licensed professionals; and other laws, including the Human Rights Code and Occupational Health and Safety Act, that impact condominium governance.

101: Governance Fundamentals
Speakers: Kristi Sargeant-Kerr and Madeleine Stirland (Scott Petrie LLP Law Firm)
Panel: Tricia Baratta (Account Executive, Gallagher Insurance) and Séan Eglinton (Senior Condominium Manager, Thorne Property Management Ltd.)

102: Condominium Insurance Fundamentals

Tricia Baratta of Gallagher Insurance led the second course of the day on mandatory and optional insurance for condominium corporations and unit owners, including the insurance obligations for both the corporation and unit owners when it comes to standard units and units with alterations. This course also looked at property, and liability, boiler & machinery insurance, and how corporations can work with insurance experts to address risk and claims management.

102: Condominium Insurance Fundamentals
Speaker: Tricia Baratta (Account Executive, Gallagher Insurance)
Panel: Séan Eglinton (Senior Condominium Manager, Thorne Property Management Ltd.) and Kristi Sargeant-Kerr (Partner, Scott Petrie LLP)

103: Budget, Audit and Financial Statement Fundamentals

After a catered lunch break, Michael Watson of Davis Martindale LLP Chartered Professional Accountants spoke to the financial management of condominium corporations, covering the basics of budgets and monthly statements, special financing, liens, and annual financial statements and audits. This course also briefly discussed reserve funds, which will be a course topic at the next Program event.

103: Budget, Audit and Financial Statement Fundamentals
Michael Watson (Davis Martindale LLP Chartered Professional Accountants)
Panel: Alana Haggis (Registered Condominium Manager, Sunshine Property Management) and Joe McGowan (Edison Engineers Inc.)

104: Enforcement Fundamentals

The final course of Day 1 was led by Laura Gurr and Megan Alexander of Cohen Highley LLP and covered the application of key sections of the Condo Act, and how to interpret and enforce a corporation’s governing documents. Discussion regarding enforcement processes and best practices included tips on documenting incidents, communicating with unit owners, and other practical considerations, like language barriers or human rights issues. This course also discussed when a corporation should consider seeking legal advice, how to issue chargebacks, and when to proceed to an application to a court or tribunal.

104: Enforcement Fundamentals
Speakers: Laura Gurr and Megan Alexander (Cohen Highley LLP)
Panel: Alana Haggis (Registered Condominium Manager, Sunshine Property Management Inc.)

Join us for Day 2 in October! Watch for details on our social media and website.

The next four courses of the Director's Certificate Program will be taking place in October 2023 and will cover Reserve Fund Fundamentals, Meeting Fundamentals, Record, Return & Certificate Fundamentals, and Repair, Maintenance & Change Fundamentals. Registration will be available on the Events Page of the London and Area Chapter CCI website.

We are frequent contributors to London and Area CCI education events, which are hosted monthly on a variety of topics, and we invite you to follow them on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. If you are not a member, we highly recommend joining and can do so by emailing the CCI London & Area Chapter Administrator.

Kristi Sargeant-Kerr, LL.B., LCCI is a partner with Scott Petrie, specializes in all aspects of condominium and real estate law, including development, management and litigation and purchase, sale and mortgaging of condominiums. She has extensive experience working with managers and corporations in and around the region and prides herself on finding reasonable solutions to their complex issues.

Kristi is on the local CCI Board of Directors and is co-chair of their Education Committee. She has also been appointed to the Advisory Committee of the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO).

Madeleine Stirland joined Scott Petrie LLP in 2020 after completing her Master of Museum Studies degree and working as a museum professional in London and Toronto. She continues to work with Kristi on condominium matters, particularly enforcement matters and those before the Condominium Authority Tribunal. She assists on the Education Committee of the chapter.


This is solely a curation of materials. Not all of this information is created, provided or vetted by CCI. Some of the information is only applicable to certain provinces. CCI does not make any warranties about the reliability or accuracy of any information found in the materials on this website. The information is not updated to reflect changes in legislation or case law and therefore may not always be current and up-to-date. We suggest you seek professional advice with respect to your specific issues or regarding any questions that arise out of the material. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of any of the material found on the website.

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