Condo Living

October 30, 2023 Published by Manitoba Chapter - By Duane Rohne

We’re building stronger communities the MAC way

From the CCI Manitoba Fall 2023 Condominium News and Views Magazine

Welcome to the initial article about the CCI Manitoba Management Advisory Committee. We're excited to share this initiative. Let's dive into what's been happening and how you can get involved.

At CCI Manitoba, we're all about fostering a sense of togetherness and shared knowledge among our members. We wholeheartedly embrace CCI National's mission statement, which revolves around education, information sharing, awareness and access to expertise. And it's in this spirit that, earlier this year, we introduced a fantastic addition to our community — the Management Advisory Committee (MAC).

Connecting property managers and CCI Manitoba

Our MAC team comprises dedicated directors of CCI Manitoba and professional property managers in our province. What's more, we've had the pleasure of gathering and collaborating over lunch, provided by our sponsors BFL Canada at the welcoming downtown Winnipeg offices of TDS Law.

This dynamic committee acts as a vital link between condominium property managers and the Manitoba Chapter of CCI. By bringing together the best and brightest minds in the industry, we're working to improve the condominium living experience for all our members.

The Directors’ Forum: Shaping tomorrow's condo communities

At our most recent MAC meeting, we had an inspiring discussion about creating a Directors’ Forum. This exciting initiative aims to empower condo directors with a deeper understanding of the pivotal role property managers play in a professionally managed condominium corporation.

While the forum is still in its formative stages, we believe it has the potential to be a game-changer for our community. We are eager to hear from you, whether you're a condominium property manager or a director. Your suggestions and insights on the topics that matter most are invaluable. Please reach out to us at to share your ideas and help shape the future.

Join the MAC Team: Your voice matters

If you're a professional condominium property manager based in Manitoba and a member of CCI, here's an opportunity you won't want to miss. We invite you to become a part of the MAC Team. We meet just a few times a year, based on your availability.

Your commitment would be minimal — only about an hour of your time and your willingness to contribute ideas to improve yourself and condominium directors. So if you're intrigued and eager to make a difference, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email at We'd love to kickstart a conversation and explore how we can work together to enhance our vibrant community.

At CCI Manitoba, we're all about fostering connections, sharing knowledge and making a difference. Join us in building a stronger, more informed condominium community today!

"This dynamic committee acts as a vital link between condominium property managers and the Manitoba Chapter of CCI."

Duane Rohne is a director of CCI Manitoba and initiated the MAC approach.  


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