Environment - Climate Change

November 3, 2023 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - By Thomas Noel

Embrace the Green Revolution

From the Fall 2023 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.

Grant Opportunities for Energy Efficient Windows in Condominiums

2023 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for condominium communities across Ontario. With the availability of generous grants, this year presents an exceptional opportunity to replace old windows with cutting-edge, energy-efficient alternatives. By participating in these initiatives, condo boards can contribute to cost savings, environmental sustainability, and a brighter future for their communities.

The Importance of Energy Efficiency in Condominiums:
Residential and commercial buildings are responsible for a significant portion of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)

  1. Surprisingly, residential windows alone account for up to 35% of heat loss during the heating season.
  2. By making the switch to Most Efficient Energy Star Certified windows (ER of ≥40 with U-Factor of ≤ 1.05 (0.18)), condo boards / homeowners total energy consumption could be reduced by 9%, and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in Canada could be lowered by more than 5 megatones3.

Introducing the Grant Programs
In collaboration with Enbridge Gas, the Natural Resources (NRCan) federal government Greener Homes Grant, has launched an ambitious rebate program specifically designed to retrofit existing condominium buildings with energy efficient windows. This initiative aims to assist condo owners in saving on heating costs and aligning with Canada's climate objectives outlined in the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Expanding Eligibility and Grant Amounts
Recognizing the urgency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), the federal government has expedited and expanded the eligibility criteria for these grants in Ontario. As of January 2023, the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (HER+) program, administered by NRCan in partnership with Enbridge Gas, offers grants of up to $10,000 per unit for energy retrofits. This program covers townhouses, row houses, including buildings three storeys or less with a footprint not exceeding 600 m2. A recent condominium townhouse project completed in May of 2023, the replacement of 11 windows per unit and the cost on average was $16,267.00 per unit (before rebates) for “Most Efficient Energy Star Certified” windows which reduced the energy consumption by 3 gigajoules for the unit per year since the windows accounted for 22 percent of the estimated annual heat loss of the unit.

After the post energy assessment, they received:

  • A rebate of $600 for the energy audit (their cost was $800) – per unit
  • A rebate of $3,575.00 for the 11 windows (11 x $325 rebate for Most Efficient Energy Star Certified windows) – per unit
  • A rebate of $1,300 for air sealing since the unit achieved a 20% reduction in air leakage from initial target. Please note that this can vary between $725 to $1,300 for the rebate depending on the reduction of the air leakage per townhouse unit.

Total rebate: $5,475.00 refund from HER+ per unit.

Total Cost for the unit: $16,267.00 + $800 energy audit = $17,067.00

Final cost: $17,067.00 - $5,475.00 rebate = $11,592.00 / unit

The final cost per “Most Efficient Energy Star Certified” window after the rebate for this particular townhouse unit was $1,053.82. The estimated energy saving for this townhouse unit, heated with a high energy efficient natural gas furnace for a 1,911 sqft townhouse:

  • Cost 2022 Enbridge Gas: $1,261.26 + $131.67 (HST) = $1,392.93 / year +23% inflation increase4 in 2023 = $1,713.30
  • Estimated reduction of 9% in energy consumption = saving of $154.20 per year.

New windows increase the value of your property and increase the comfort of your home. A reputable window company can offer a 25-year no bull warranty on their windows!

The Path to Energy Efficiency
To take advantage of the HER+ grant, condo boards should begin by contacting reputable window and door companies specializing in energy-efficient solutions. These companies will provide quotes and connect you with credible energy advisors who will assess the energy needs of each unit. It is essential for the condo board to sign a NRCan corporate form to ensure direct rebate payments from Enbridge Gas. Energy assessments for each unit are a crucial step in the process and can cost between $800 to $900 per unit. The condo board is encouraged to cover the cost of these assessments, as Enbridge Gas provides a $600 refund for each assessment, in addition to the window rebates. The energy advisor will guide homeowners through signing agreements that assign the rebates to the condominium corporation.

Selecting the Right Windows
The HER+ grants offer up to $325 per window opening for replacing old windows with Most Efficient Energy Star Certified options that meet specific criteria (ER of ≥40 with U-Factor of ≤ 1.05 (0.18)). Cellular PVC windows such as RevoCell® windows have the highest Energy Rated (ER) number of all residential windows in Canada according to the NRCan website 5.To obtain the grant, it is vital to choose windows manufactured in Canada and certified as Most Efficient Energy Star windows by NRCan.

Completing the Retrofitting Process
Once the windows are installed, a post-retrofit energy assessment is required. The window company will provide invoices for each condo unit, demonstrating that the windows have been paid in full. The energy advisor will then submit the necessary paperwork on behalf of the condo board to secure the rebates with the government. Generally, rebate checks are issued approximately 90-120 days after the energy advisor submits the post-retrofit results and the window invoices (paid in full) to Enbridge Gas.

Seizing the Opportunity
As condo board directors, you have the power to make a significant impact on your community's financial and environmental well-being. By embracing the available grant programs and replacing old windows with energy-efficient alternatives, you can contribute to cost savings, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and a more sustainable future.

Now is the time to act! Inform your fellow condo board directors about the grant opportunities available for energy-efficient window retrofits. By taking advantage of these grants, your condominium community can become a beacon of environmental responsibility and cost-effective living. Embrace the green revolution and lead the way towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Remember, every window replaced is a step closer to a brighter tomorrow!


  1. Statistics based on 2013 Fenestration Canada market study
  2. https://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/publications/ statistics/parliament/2017-2018/pdf/ parliament17-18.pdf page 8 & 25 Report to Parliament under the Energy Efficiency Act 2017-2018
  3. Paving the Road to 2030 and Beyond: Market Transformation Road Map for Energy Efficient Equipment in the Building Sector. Supporting the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy (page 6). https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/sites/www.nrcan.gc.ca/files/emmc/pdf/2018/en/18-00072-nrcan-roadmap-eng.pdf
  4. www.thestar.com/politics/provincial/2022/06/16/enbridge-to-raisenatural-gas-prices-by-as-much-as-23-per-cent-july-1.html
  5. file:///C:/Users/Verdun/Downloads/Strengthening%20Canada's%20Building%20Code%20Process%20to%20Achieve%20Net-Zero%20Emissions.pdf Strengthening Canada’s Building Code Process to Achieve Net-Zero Emissions Kevin Lockhart and Brendan Haley October 2020 

Thomas Noel
Director of Condominium Division Nordik Windows & Doors


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