Condo Living

February 27, 2024 Published by Huronia Chapter - By Patricia Elia

CCI National Update

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter

CCI National Executive completed a two-day Blue-Sky Meeting in Toronto for members of the Executive from across Canada. Our new President, Devon Cassidy, made us work hard to address a variety of issues on the agenda for CCI National this upcoming year. The topics that were discussed were as follows:

  • Providing direction to National Committees on key initiatives and we confirmed the chairs.
  • Reconceptualizing National Council Priorities and a Corporate National Sponsorship Program.
  • The upcoming National Leaders Forum (NLF) that will be held in Halifax.

The NLF is a coming together of Chapter Board members, National Council, and other interested participants to discuss how to deliver education effectively at the chapter level and find out what other chapters have been up to over the year. We also talk about national committee agendas such as Government Relations and Events and what some of the challenges and solutions have been in the past year.

Other items which are top of mind at CCI National are an updated Code of Conduct and Ethics for Board of Directors. Look for it in the next few months. At we have discussed the CCI database and whether we fix it or just reinvent it. CCI Toronto took on the brave task of reorganizing the database and have had success while still working out some of the kinks. We shall see what we learn from CCI Toronto and decide how to move forward. CCI National continues to be busy!

Patricia Elia


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