
February 6, 2024 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter

CondoSTRENGTH Session Focuses on Insurance – the Director Experience

From the Winter 2023 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.

Our Fall CondoSTRENGTH Session Focussed on Insurance, Hosted at Waterscapes Condos in Humber Bay Shores

The location provided stunning views of the lake and was a fantastic backdrop for our session, particularly with the changing colours of the leaves.

Much of the discussion with our attendees focussed on the various challenges corporations are facing with insurance, mainly focusing on how to keep premiums and claims low. There were some great takeaways including Risk Management processes and protocols that corporations have implemented, including pro-active building inspections with insurance providers and fire marshals.

Additionally, the subject of Standard Unit CondoSTRENGTH Session Focuses on Insurance – the Director Experience CondoSTRENGTH Recap Our Fall CondoSTRENGTH Session Focussed on Insurance, Hosted at Waterscapes Condos in Humber Bay Shores By-Laws and owner insurance were hot topics as well – while everyone ought to have insurance, not all owners do, which can present its own set of challenges. As such, active communication on the importance of holding home insurance, along with updating residents when a change in the corporation’s policy occur, are very important. All in all, there was lots of laughter, comradery, and directors were able to connect and learn from one another.

The CondoSTRENGTH program is ideal for directors who are looking to improve their knowledge and become a successful condo director. For Directors, By Directors, this FREE program is focused on directors – with quarterly events held so that directors can meet and share experiences. It provides exposure to other like-minded directors who have similar experiences, the opportunity to share lessons learned, engage in collective brainstorming and support from fellow condo directors.

Get involved in CondoSTRENGTH! Events are held four times a year and are hosted by local condo communities. Interested in attending? Or hosting an event? Get in touch and get involved.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our next in-person event. For more details, visit


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