Property Management

December 16, 2023 Published by Eastern Ontario Chapter

Director and Manager perspective: A look back at 2023

From the Volume 36 issue of the CCI Eastern Ontario Condo Contact Magazine

Craig Mason
President, LCC 17

What was your condominium’s biggest success?
I think our biggest success was being able to keep a balanced budget while investing into our building. Not raising fees or any special assessment to achieve this. And completing requirements from our reserve fund study.

What were the biggest issues that impacted your condominium this year?
Navigating coming out of the pandemic. Securing our contracts for the fiscal year.

What do you think CCI-EO could do in the upcoming year that would assist your community?
I think some information about bylaws and why they are there for all owners protection. Information on reserve fund study. Why are they important.

Pam Fowler
Eastern Ontario Property Management Group, OLCM

What was your biggest success?
Professionally? Coordinating and completing a multi-phase, multiple contractor sewer project. Personally? Achieving my RCM designation.

What were the biggest issues that impacted your condominium(s) this year?
Snow overages and the required Special Assessments to help pay for them. Ice storms/heavy rain/high winds, with their impact on trees, basements and roofs.

What do you think CCI-EO could do in the upcoming year that would assist your condominiums?
More owner-based communications. Most owners only know the barest minimum about how a Condo Corporation functions and brochures or mailouts would be beneficial.



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