
July 25, 2024 Published by Manitoba Chapter - By Duane Rohne

Update on Short Term Rentals in Manitoba

From the CCI Manitoba Summer 2024 Condominium News and Views Magazine

Condo STRs now need a licence

Short-term Rentals (STRs) remain an issue for condominiums, so we decided to speak to Terry Cormier, Winnipeg’s STR community bylaw enforcement co-ordinator, about the new STR bylaw that came into effect on April 1. Since then, operating an STR requires a City of Winnipeg licence.

Cormier said the number of licensed STRs in condominiums is not yet available. Each licence application requires documentation of site inspections for fire and safety, such as working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers. Unfortunately, some STRs become fronts for organized crime, so clearly posted information about human trafficking must be posted in a visible location within the short-term rental.

If you're living in a condominium as a unit owner, long-term rental resident or board director, there are a few things to remember about STRs.

  • Each condominium corporation should decide if it will permit STRs  
  • Each unit owner must produce a letter of permission/approval from the condo board before receiving a licence to operate an STR

If a condominium corporation has acted to prohibit STRs, it should write to the permit office to inform it of the decision, and a licence will not be issued. The mailing address is:

Licensing & Bylaw Enforcement
Community Services
Licensing Branch
395 Main Street, Main Floor,
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3N8

Inspectors are currently focusing on permit processing, inspections and education. Cormier said violations for non-compliance will be handled by:

  • Warnings 
  • Suspensions
  • Fines under the Municipal By-law Enforcement Act range from $500 to $1,000
  • Initiating a prosecution in Provincial Judges Court for not submitting the Accommodation Tax

Here’s the latest article about STRs in our CCI News and View newsletter from the Winter of 2024.   

If you’re uncertain how the City of Winnipeg bylaw affects STRs and condominiums, watch the CCI Manitoba webinar on Jan. 18, 2024. Additionally, the Winnipeg bylaw is here.  

If you’re a board director or condominium resident and want further information or to register a complaint about a non-compliant STR, phone 311 or access 311 services online.  

Duane Rohne is a director of CCI Manitoba and chair of the Communication Committee.


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