Condo Living

October 19, 2017 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - By By many

Condo Etiquette

From the Fall 2017 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.

For this issue, we asked readers:
What is the worst thing someone has done at an Owners' Meeting? Tell us your views on inappropriate community meeting behaviors.

Someone came intoxicated and harassed the Chair by bringing up "issues" that were not "issues" at all but just their thoughts on life. I believe everyone has a right to express their points of view at an annual meeting. Everyone has the right to ask if a rule can be changed. Someone asked, very respectfully, if there was the ability to change the rule regarding pets. They were shouted down and then left the meeting visibly upset. Our President admonished the rest of the group. – Ann L.

Were rude to a contractor. Contractor says to board go ahead and vote so we can start the work. – Beverly M. Interrupt the agenda by demanding the floor at inappropriate times. Wait for New Business to bring up your complaints… so I can leave! – Anonymous

Asked stupid questions. I have no problem if someone wants to understand why the Board made a certain decision or to express concerns or complaints. But wasting everyone's time with a question that shows no understanding of how condos operate is aggravating. – Terry D.

Fallen asleep! It wasn't so bad until he started snoring!! – Maureen


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