Condo Living

January 19, 2017 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - By By many

Condo Etiquette

From the Winter 2016 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.

Share Your AGM Experience:
What advice would you give to someone who is preparing to attend their very first Annual General Meeting?

Advice for Directors

1. Take notes. This shows owners that you care and gives you a point of reference for follow-up. – Marc B.

2. Have the current Board introduce themselves and new owners at the AGM. – Anonymous

3. Let the chair, chair and speak only when it is appropriate. Don't let yourself get baited into going off topic. – Anonymous

4. Listen. – Jan A.

5. Hiding will only make it worse, LOL – Anonymous

6. Advertise. Run a door prize to attract participation. – Henry J.

Advice for Owners

1. If there are police present, do what they say! – Anonymous

2. The auditor is not the enemy! – Anonymous

3. It is okay to leave if New Business gets tiresome. The only official business that can be conducted is that which is on the agenda anyway. – Joan T.

4. Appreciate that your Board is made up of volunteers. This is your chance to express your concerns and ask questions, but do so respectfully. – Ben G.

5. Don't be the person who frustrates everyone by ignoring the agenda and going off on a tangent! – Anonymous


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