March 18, 2020 Published by CCI National - By Jennifer Dickenson

A letter to owners in condos during COVID-19

Here is an posting we sent to all owners in our condos regarding COVID-19 information, how to behave in condos and what your personal responsibilities are in this time. Please use!

Dear Owners,

We would like to reach out to all owners during this time of uncertainty.

There is a list of procedures you can follow to help manage the current COVID-19 situation. Our overarching goal is to mitigate as much as possible the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are monitoring the situation closely; it is evolving every day, as are the guidelines that need to be followed. We have consulted with others in the industry as to their approach as well as following updates and guidelines from the Government, Ontario Medical Association and the Middlesex-London Health Unit.

We recognize that the COVID-19 virus is requiring all of us to be more mindful in our daily activities in terms of reducing exposure and contamination risks. We would like to implement the following steps to ensure as a community we are safe and our risk in spreading this virus is reduced. The core principle in these efforts is to maintain an effective 2-meter social distance.


For those of you in high-rises, please wait for an empty elevator. If you are a household ie. spouses, parent-child, etc., you can decide whether to use the elevator as a household. The public health protocol in managing the 2-meter social distance principle is one person per elevator to prevent virus spread. We know it will be difficult at times especially when demand for elevators may be high at certain times of the day. Please avoid touching the elevator buttons directly with your hands (e.g., use gloves, your elbow, paper towel).


In addition to the routine daily cleaning that our contract staff do so well every day, surfaces that have frequent contact with hands will have an increased focus and cleaning schedule (e.g., elevator buttons, door handles, intercom touch screen surface). Sanitizer stations will also be added to lobby, P1 and commercial corridor; please use when entering the building.


There will be residents in our buildings that may be under a 14-day self-isolation protocol and likely asymptomatic, particularly those who have traveled internationally recently or have come in contact with someone who has traveled. There may also be residents who are deemed symptomatic. If you are in this group and need to leave the building, please wear a mask.

Although it should be ok for the kids to be playing outside, the parents should be reminded to everyday to remind their kids to not touch anyone or share food or clothing. And to properly wash their hands with soap as soon as they come in from outside.


Despite rationality, there is a large concern about toilet paper. If you do run short before your next trip, there are neighbours who are willing to help. Please reach out. Please also, do NOT flush Kleenex, paper towel or flushable wipes. NONE of these are flushable, despite what their packaging says. Nothing but toilet paper, poop, or pee down toilets. This will prevent your toilets from clogging and the sewer systems from backing up. Plumbing systems cannot handle that capacity if it does make it through the toilets. Worse than running out of toilet paper is having no toilet to use or have the sewage backing up into your basement.

Many grocery stores are offering free online shopping, where you can order your groceries online and pick them up in the grocery store parking lot (Loblaws, Real Canadian Superstore, etc). Some stores are offering delivery, as well. Grocery stores and pharmacies are still restocking on a regular schedule, so if you can’t get something this week, it will be available next.

If you are heading to the grocery store, check in with your neighbours first. If they need something because they’re in isolation or are without a vehicle, you could be just the hero they need right now.


There have been a number of articles surfacing on social media sites with information about COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. Please fact-check items before believe or sharing them. Misinformation is dangerous. One article that has gained a lot of traction claims to be from Stanford Hospital’s internal message board. It is false.

Some of these myths include that the Corona virus hates the sun or can be prevented by taking a few sips of water every 15 minutes. Don’t worry if you believed these, but make sure you fact-check what you read. If you’re reading it online, search the claim and see what pops up. Websites like or Wikipedia can help sort through the false information.

When in doubt, call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or the Middlesex Health Unit at (519) 663-5317.

Dickenson Condo Management is still operating but doing so remotely. Our offices are operating with minimal onsite staff, in order to limit everyone’s exposure. Please use email to contact our office, as phone messages are being monitored every 15 minutes. Calls are being returned as necessary.

Most importantly, have empathy and care for your friends, family and neighbours. You may not be able to hug, but that doesn’t mean a phone call, email or video message is out of the question. Please be safe, but also be kind.



This is solely a curation of materials. Not all of this information is created, provided or vetted by CCI. Some of the information is only applicable to certain provinces. CCI does not make any warranties about the reliability or accuracy of any information found in the materials on this website. The information is not updated to reflect changes in legislation or case law and therefore may not always be current and up-to-date. We suggest you seek professional advice with respect to your specific issues or regarding any questions that arise out of the material. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of any of the material found on the website.

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