March 24, 2020 Published by CCI National - By Melinda Andrews - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

What Does the Shut Down of Non-Essential Services Mean for Condos?

The Ontario Government has ordered a mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces effective as of Tuesday March 24th at 11:59 pm. The closure will be in effect for 14 days, with the possibility of an extension if needed.

What Does the Shut Down of Non-Essential Services Mean for Condos?

The starting premise is that all businesses are required to close unless they are considered an essential service as identified in the Government’s “List of Essential Workplaces” published as of 8:00 pm on March 23rd. We’ve put together a condensed list of the services that relate specifically to condominiums, which you can download here.

Property management services (although a focus on providing services remotely should be prioritized);

  • Custodial/janitorial services (including cleaning staff, private garbage and recycling removal);
  • Security services (including private security guards);
  • Snow and ice removal;
  • All urgent repair services;
  • Many, if not all of the services noted above, are vital to the proper functioning of condominiums. And in our view, the Government has clearly signaled that these services must continue so that we can maintain safe living standards in condominiums.

    In many cases, proposed work that is “only cosmetic in nature” should probably be delayed.

  • Any other work determined by the Board to be unnecessary or non-essential (at this time) should probably be delayed.
  • As a final comment, Boards will also likely want to establish a list of protocols for all contractors and service providers to follow while on the property (i.e. frequent hand washing, maintaining a 6 foot distance between people, no congregating on common element areas etc). Doing so will help prevent virus transmission and ensure the property remains a safe place for service providers to work.

Stay tuned to Condo Law News to keep up to date on the latest developments in condominium law


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