
October 6, 2020 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter

Legislative Newsflash Ontario - Ontario Extends Timeline for Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting - Oct 2020

Ontario Extends Timeline for Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting


Release date: October 6, 2020

Ontario Extends Timeline for Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting

As the province continues to see an increase in COVID-19 infection rates, the provincial government has provided a much-sought-after extension of the timeline in which condominium corporations can hold virtual meetings and permit electronic voting without a bylaw.
In light of legislative changes made on October 2, 2020, condominiums corporations can, up to and including May 31, 2021, do the following:  

  • hold virtual owners’ meetings, including Annual General Meetings (even in the absence of a bylaw);
  • permit electronic voting (even in the absence of a bylaw);
  • serve notices electronically (even on owners who have not expressly consented to electronic communication); and
  • hold virtual board meetings (even where not all directors have agreed).

As many of our members are aware, the previous deadline for holding virtual meetings without a bylaw was November 21, 2020. The extension to May 31, 2021 comes as a welcome relief, as many corporations could not obtain support from virtual platforms in order to hold their AGMs before the previous November 21 deadline.   This created a practical problem, as there were and continue to be restrictions on the number of persons who could physically gather indoors. 

Boards of Directors are encouraged to consult with their corporation's legal counsel respecting whether they should take steps to pass a virtual meeting bylaw, so that virtual meetings may continue past May 31, 2021.



CCI is committed to providing regular ongoing updates regarding all legislation concerning condominiums, in order to keep our members abreast of changes they need to be aware of.



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