
April 27, 2020 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter

Legislative Newsflash Ontario – Emergency Orders: Providing Flexibility to Condo Corps re COVID-19 - April 2020

Emergency Orders: Providing Flexibility to Condo Corps re COVID-19


Release date: April 27, 2020

Emergency Orders: Providing Flexibility to Condo Corps re COVID-19

CCI-Toronto is pleased to share with our members the information below as received from the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services:

On April 24, 2020, the Government of Ontario took further action to support corporations, including condo corporations, co-operative corporations, businesses, and not-for-profits during the COVID-19 outbreak with amendments to Emergency Order O. Reg. 107/20.

The Emergency Order is in effect province-wide and retroactive to March 17, 2020, the day the Declaration of Emergency came into effect. The Emergency Order can be accessed here: and will be available on e-laws shortly.

The Emergency Order was amended to:

  1. Permit corporations governed under the Co-operative Corporations Act (CCA) and Condominium Act, 1998 (Condo Act) to hold meetings virtually, notwithstanding current requirements or restrictions;
  2. Extend the time period in which corporations governed under the CCA and Condo Act must hold annual meetings; and
  3. Address additional matters related to meetings for corporations under the Corporations Act (CA), Business Corporations Act (OBCA), Condo Act and CCA, such as the re-issuing of notices to hold a meeting virtually after a notice of meeting has already been sent, in certain circumstances, and, as applicable, the requirement to present financial statements at annual meetings within a specified period.

The order applies to requirements under the CA, OBCA, CCA, and Condo Act.

CCI is committed to providing regular ongoing updates regarding all legislation concerning condominiums, in order to keep our members abreast of changes they need to be aware of.



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