
May 31, 2019 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter

Legislative Newsflash Ontario - City of Toronto Action Plan for Affordable Housing - May 2019

City of Toronto – Action Plan for Affordable Housing "HousingTO"


Release date: May 31, 2019

Dear <<First Name>>,

City of Toronto – Action Plan for Affordable Housing


The City of Toronto has been holding public consultations for the 2020-2030 HousingTO action plan.  The goal is to ensure that all Torontonians have “safe, secure, affordable and well-maintained homes where they can realize their full potential” as well as to “address the full spectrum of housing issues in Toronto now to 2030”.

CCI-Toronto applauds the City’s efforts to ensure housing is available to all residents of Toronto.  The purpose of this e-blast is to ensure that our members are aware of potential impact on condominium corporations.

Zoning Approval and its Impact on Condominiums

Within the previous Housing Action Plan for the period 2010 to 2020, the City of Toronto successfully advocated and received inclusionary zoning in new developments. 

This zoning could enable the City to push for a certain percentage of units in new condo builds to be set aside for affordable housing. Our concern is that the other units in the development should not be required to subsidize the maintenance fees or other costs related to the affordable units on an ongoing basis. This would be unfair to other unit owners; and would essentially shift a social cost that should be borne by society as a whole onto a small number of individuals in the affected condominium corporation.

Want to be a part of the public process?

The City of Toronto has an online questionnaire available that will ask you about “your current housing concerns, future housing needs, and your ideas and advice to improve housing in Toronto” (

Public consultations have now ended, and CCI-Toronto Board members participated to voice the above concern. The next step is a housing forum hosting by the City on June 12 & 13, 2019.

For full information about the public consultation process, or to subscribe to updates from the City on this important topic, visit



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