
May 6, 2019 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter

Legislative Newsflash Ontario - TSSA Advocacy - May 2019

TSSA Advocacy Recent Auditor General's Report and Needed Improvements to Elevator Compliance


Release date: May 6, 2019

Dear <<First Name>>,

TSSA Advocacy

Recent Auditor General's Report and Needed Improvements to Elevator Compliance

Many condominium corporations can agree that there is a need for improvement in the elevator service industry as it relates to safety, outages, and service agreements.

The Auditor General released a report in December, 2018 regarding the TSSA and elevating devices (  The report mainly relates to injuries caused by unsafe elevators, worsening elevator safety, declining TSSA compliance rates, the maintenance company’s role in this problem, the effectiveness of inspection fees in improving compliance, and the ineffectiveness of TSSA enforcement mechanisms.

How CCI-T Can Help

The CCI-T Legislative Committee has reviewed the Auditor General’s Report and is in the process of summarizing recommendations to propose to the Minister of Government and Consumer Services and the TSSA.  We are partnering with experienced elevator consultants to ensure that our proposed recommendations can result in actual improvements in the elevator industry.

Our report and proposed recommendations will focus on the following main issues:

  • The TSSA has not been provided with strong enough enforcement powers to deal with large elevator maintenance companies.
  • The TSSA unconditionally renews licenses – even if the company is not complying with safety requirements.
  • TSSA inspections are risk based, rather than at standardized frequencies.
  • TSSA inspectors are not supervised effectively and do not use checklists.
  • There is concern that the elevator industry lacks fair competition – several large elevator maintenance companies use proprietary software, preventing other companies from being able to provide service.

We Want to Hear from YOU!

Has your condominium community been impacted by elevator issues?  Your voice will assist the Legislative Committee in demonstrating the impact of the problems in the elevator industry on condominiums.

While we may not be able to address your specific elevator-related concerns, sharing your story can help make a significant and positive future impact on elevators in condominiums.

Write to us with your experience at by no later than June 30th, 2019.


CCI is committed to providing regular ongoing updates regarding all legislation concerning condominiums, in order to keep our members abreast of changes they need to be aware of.



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