
September 21, 2020 Published by CCI National

CCI-N Insurance Summary Chart Request

CCI chapters across the country have clearly heard from their members about the unexpected changes in condominium insurance. These changes have ranged from increases in premiums to the denial of coverage and have resulted in an condominium insurance crisis.

CCI chapters across the country have clearly heard from their members about the unexpected changes in condominium insurance. These changes have ranged from increases in premiums to the denial of coverage and have resulted in an condominium insurance crisis.

In CCI National’s continuing effort to deepen its understanding of the condominium insurance crisis, CCI is asking for all chapters to help assemble the following data, as outlined in the below chart:

  1. Descriptive information about the type and size of condominiums in your chapter; and
  2. Insurance information about the condominiums in your chapter;

The data submitted to CCI will remain confidential in its originating form. We anticipate that the data once collected from a large enough cross section of chapters across the country is received, will be put together, analyzed and shared in a variety of ways to each of the chapters for the benefit of members so that we can make further educational offerings and provide summaries of the results to the industry in the course of understanding this issue.

The Insurance Subcommittee believes that the most effective way of obtaining this information is to reach out to property management teams in your chapter and to insurance brokers. To the extent that details about the condominiums, i.e. the condominium number, cannot be provided, we understand; however, we would still appreciate the use of the data anonymously. Therefore, identifying data may be omitted.

If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Jackie Willmore and she will pass your inquiry on to a member of the Government Relations’ Insurance Subcommittee. Please direct the charts to Jackie Willmore upon completion.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Kind Regards,

CCI National Insurance Sub-Committee

Download the file here: Insurance Summary Chart (Excel)


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