Condo Living

July 1, 2021 Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - By Frank Aiello

Landscaping and Mental Wellness

From the Summer 2021 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.

The Real Impact of This Pandemic Will Be Unknown for Quite Some Time

Now more than ever, most of us are at a tipping point of managing our family and business lives. If the busy day-to-day deadlines were not enough, Covid certainly made sure to include you. Just over a year now, we have all had to adjust to the new abnormal. Even though the majority somehow have still managed to get their kids in some form of school and still make all their work deadlines, the real impact of what this new pandemic will be unknown for quite some time.

In hopes of even a temporary relief in your life, I thought of writing this article as I have worked and benefited from landscaping and gardening most of my entire life. These are a few (some new, some old) things I have done for myself and my family to break the monotony of the daily Covid count and thinking about everything I would like to be doing today but can't.

1. Start Preparing for Spring Planting
Whether you live in a house or apartment, any of these ideas can be modified for your lifestyle and skill level. Even though the snow continues to cover the ground, this is an excellent time of the year to plan some landscaping projects. Whether it's a complete landscaping reno or simply planning to plant vegetables or take on a live indoor plant (probably the toughest), planning, designing and researching is an incredibly mental and stimulating reward.

2. Research About Landscaping
They say knowledge is King and Queen. My entire Landscaping University experience has benefited my business and personal life by having the knowledge and tools to achieve various projects. Especially now with the internet, anyone can take on a new landscaping project. I recently along with my two young children researched and designed a Bonsai out of an old plant and a leftover pot. The beautiful time together, the exchange of creative ideas and having actually created something together completely took us to a happy place.

3. Walk and Talk
Do you remember the old saying, "Stop and Smell the Roses?" But how many of us really do it? Now more than ever, alone, or responsibly with someone, going for a walk and truly taking the time to absorb nature in its entirety is like a free relaxation pill. Start by noticing details that you may never noticed. Taking pictures and even bringing a small notebook and writing notes or sketching what you see is now taking it to the next advanced and beneficial level. For those that have handicap issues, watching videos of nature walks and nature shows are also very much gratifying.

My Father suffered from Parkinson's in his legs and could not walk for years at the end of his life. Yet the simple siting outside or at the window in wintertime looking at his garden always put a smile on his face. In my later years now, I try not to sweat the things that I cannot control and enjoy the things that I can. Landscaping and gardening are truly a beautiful way to take a break and enjoy life. If you haven't tried it yet, I hope you do. Be well and take care of each other.


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