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January 15, 2021 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Nancy Houle - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

I think it’s fair to say that the pandemic has mainly worsened life for all of us – and has been particularly tough on many. In this blog, however, I’d like to reflect on some “silver linings” in this awful cloud.


March 19, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): David Lu and Nancy Houle - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

COVID-19 and Condo Fees

Over the past couple of days, we have received numerous inquiries about how condominium corporations should deal with requests from owners to delay paying the monthly common expenses. The requests from owners are due to the uncertainty and financial stress caused by COVID-19.


March 15, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Nancy Houle - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Condos – Update on Meetings

As the number of COVID-19 cases increase across the country, and each municipality grapples with how best to deal with the rapidly evolving situation at a local level, the most common recommendation we are seeing to help mitigate risk and spread is social-distancing. The natural question is, therefore, what does this now mean in relation to a condominium corporation’s legal obligation to hold board of directors, or owners, meetings.


March 12, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Nancy Houle

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Condos - Meeting, Messaging and Maintenance

Concerns about coronavirus (also known as “COVID-19”) are, of course, in the forefronts of all of our minds. As the number of cases of coronavirus increase across the country, and with cases now confirmed in Eastern Ontario, we are receiving questions from our clients about what this means for the condominium industry.

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