March 31, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Sonja Hodis, Patricia Elia, Ashley Winberg, Michele Farley, Mina Tesseris, Debbie Dale, Jeff Struewing, Evan Shkolnik, Ryan Griffiths, Ashley Lamb
COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis
Join our panel of experts in our second webinar in the series as they talk about CCI’s efforts to obtain necessary legislative changes for condos, Borrowing, Communication Strategies, Fire Code and Tarion updates, Reserve Funds, Force Majeure , Requests for Accommodation under Human Rights Code, Protocols for Moving/Deliveries, Showings, Visitors, & Access to essential common amenities, and a condo's ability to enforcing self isolation and quarantine rules
March 24, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Sonja Hodis, Patricia Elia, Ashley Winberg, Michele Farley, Mina Tesseris, Debbie Dale, Jeff Struewing, Evan Shkolnik
COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis
COVID 19 has presented challenging and unprecedented times for condos. Directors and managers are dealing with many new issues that raise a ton of questions. Join a panel of lawyers, property managers, engineers and a fire safety expert to get answers to those questions. This is one of many webinars hosted by CCI Huronia on COVID 19 and Condos.
This is solely a curation of materials. Not all of this information is created, provided or vetted by CCI. Some of the information is only applicable to certain provinces. CCI does not make any warranties about the reliability or accuracy of any information found in the materials on this website. The information is not updated to reflect changes in legislation or case law and therefore may not always be current and up-to-date. We suggest you seek professional advice with respect to your specific issues or regarding any questions that arise out of the material. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of any of the material found on the website.