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March 31, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19: Signage and Posters

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, condominium corporations should consider: - Posting signage to alert unit owners of any signs and symptoms of acute respiratory illness, - Display posters promoting hand-washing and respiratory hygiene. The attached signs can be displayed at home and in condos for a better understanding of steps to take to limit the spread of COVID-19.


March 23, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 11: How Could The Closure Of Non-Essential Businesses Affect Condominium Corporations?

All non-essential businesses in the Province of Ontario have been ordered to close by the Premier effective 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23, 2020, for the next 14 days and potentially longer if the order is extended. On Tuesday, March 23, 2020, details regarding what businesses will be permitted to stay open will be announced by the Premier.

March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

With COVID-19 being a hard and fast reality for everyone globally, condominium communities are swept up in this dynamic and must think proactively as contained environments to manage the risk.


March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Ontario Bulletin No. 7: Status Certificates

While it is too early to tell, we anticipate that the operational costs for a condominium corporation are increasing. This means that budgets may not accurately reflect, at the current time, the impact of this pandemic.


March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 8: Contracts & Managing Them Going Forward

With the presence of COVID-19 requiring condominiums to think ahead on Spring contracts and regular contracts, we have the following questions for your Board to consider as you think ahead.


March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 9: Protocols For Unit Owners Within Their Condominium Community

Unit owners should be proactively trying to minimize the exposure to the outside world, including with their condominium community. Unit Owners should be proactively taking steps to reduce the risks to your community. How do you do this?


March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 10: Regular Repair & Maintenance

During the current state of managing the COVID-19 virus, it is essential that while the Corporation must continue to operate, a Corporation should, as always, do so in a safe manner. This includes minimizing the transmission of the virus to the community and avoiding panic.


March 20, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 4 Part 2: Collections

Since our Bulletin of March 18th concerning the collection of common expenses, many ideas have been circulated around how the process for collecting unpaid common expenses should be addressed. It remains; however, that condominiums must register liens within 3 months of unpaid common expenses originating.


March 20, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 5: COVID-19 & Condo Conflict

On-site management offices have already closed and many condominium managers are working from home. Still, it remains that condominium communities across the province are “home” for their residents. Whether you are a director, owner or tenant, chances are that you are self-isolating in your unit and attempting to foster and embrace social distancing insofar as possible; all of which seems to contradict the communal nature of condo living.

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