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June 24, 2024 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Katherine Sebben

It’s My Opinion That Paper Cheques Should Be Put to Rest

From the Spring 2024 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


June 24, 2024 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Ryan Griffiths, Lyndsey McNally

Don’t Panic! How to Get Ahead of Funding Challenges

From the Spring 2024 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


May 30, 2024 - Published by Grand River Chapter - Author(s): Jordan Swail

Revisiting Inflation – Where are we now?

It’s been almost 2 years since we last talked about inflation – back in the summer of 2022 the consumer price index had just increased by 7.7% year over ear, with residential construction prices increasing by a whopping 26.5% year over year in Toronto. So where is inflation now and how is it effecting our condominiums?


May 16, 2024 - Published by Grand River Chapter - Author(s): Shalon Chapman, John Hayes

Proactive Softscape Budgeting: Plan Ahead

Spring is here! The birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming! The garden centres are open with flowers a plenty, and you’re thinking about how you would like the property to look for the upcoming season. Just like anything else, it’s important to ask – do we have the money?


January 22, 2024 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter - Author(s): Jordan Swail, Nigel Parker

The Cost of Deferred Maintenance – When Spending Money Makes Sense

From the Volume 18, Winter 2024 issue of the CCI GHC Condo News Magazine


January 22, 2024 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter - Author(s): Will McKay

Navigating Financial Waters for Condominiums: Choosing the Right Financial Advisor for Your Investment Voyage

From the Volume 18, Winter 2024 issue of the CCI GHC Condo News Magazine


November 16, 2023 - Published by Grand River Chapter - Author(s): Shalon Chapman, Dushan Dvjak

Streamlining Operations: The Benefits of Electronic Signatures and Payment Approvals for Condominium Corporations in Ontario

Condominium corporations in Ontario face numerous administrative tasks, including obtaining signatures and approving payments for various transactions. Traditionally, these processes involved manual paperwork, extensive printing, and time-consuming physical meetings. However, with the advent of electronic signatures and payment approvals, these tasks have become more efficient and cost-effective.


October 30, 2023 - Published by Manitoba Chapter - Author(s): Kirsten Bishop

Inaugural forum attracts 37 treasurers

From the CCI Manitoba Fall 2023 Condominium News and Views Magazine


July 20, 2023 - Published by Manitoba Chapter - Author(s): Alan Forbes

Condo Conversation Corner: A View & A Voice

From the CCI Manitoba Summer 2023 Condominium News and Views Magazine


July 13, 2023 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter - Author(s): Dave Williams

Here Comes the Judge……er Auditor General! [Opinion] A Look at the Industry from a Business Perspective!

From the Volume 16, Summer 2023 issue of the CCI GHC Condo News Magazine


June 22, 2023 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Murray Johnson

Condominium Financial Pressures

From the Summer 2023 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


June 12, 2023 - Published by London and Area Chapter - Author(s): Trish Kaplan

Finances and Condominium Deficits

From the CCI Review 2022/2023-4 May 2023 issue of the CCI London Chapter


May 17, 2023 - Published by Eastern Ontario Chapter - Author(s): Natasha Mayhew

Reserve Funds – from a Director (or four)’s perspective

From the Volume 34 issue of the CCI Eastern Ontario Condo Contact Magazine


May 1, 2023 - Published by South Alberta Chapter - Author(s): Walter Wakula

Avoiding a Loss of Your Bank Account Balance

From the Spring 2023 issue of the CCI South Alberta CCI Review


April 20, 2023 - Published by Grand River Chapter

Federal Underused Housing Tax – Update

The Underused Housing Tax Act came into force with an effective date of January 1, 2022.


March 22, 2023 - Published by London and Area Chapter - Author(s): Michael Watson

Is Your Condominium Corporation Facing a $10,000 Penalty Under the Underused Housing Tax Act?

From the CCI Review 2022/2023-3 March 2023 issue of the CCI London Chapter


March 22, 2023 - Published by London and Area Chapter - Author(s): Lyndsey McNally

Why Would a Condo Corporation Choose to Borrow?

From the CCI Review 2022/2023-3 March 2023 issue of the CCI London Chapter


January 25, 2023 - Published by Northwestern Ontario Chapter - Author(s): Sally Thompson

The Coming Reserve Fund Shock

This presentation discusses the high construction inflation in 2020, 2021 and 2022, and its impact on reserve fund contributions.


January 17, 2023 - Published by South Alberta Chapter - Author(s): Stephen Chesney

Uptick in Fraud a Wake-Up Call for Condos

From the Winter 2023 issue of the CCI South Alberta CCI Review


November 25, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Michele Farley

Managers & Boards! If You Have Any 2022 Budget Left Over, This is How to Spend It!

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


November 24, 2022 - Published by Grand River Chapter - Author(s): Shalon Seebach

How to Prepare for Upcoming Budgets

It’s that time of year again! For the many corporations with December 31st year-ends, it’s time to work on your corporation’s budget for the next fiscal year. This can be a very daunting endeavor for many board members, particularly in the current economic climate.


November 21, 2022 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Edmund Leong

Condo Lending

From the Fall 2022 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine, Volume 27, Issue Number 1.


November 21, 2022 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Matilda Lici, Ava Naraghi

Trust in Me

From the Fall 2022 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine, Volume 27, Issue Number 1.


November 21, 2022 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Lyndsey McNally

Coming Out Behind

From the Fall 2022 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine, Volume 27, Issue Number 1.


November 18, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Can you be richer than you think?

Our moderator Sonja Hodis and our panel of experts which included Blair Spinney (Auditor), Ryan Griffiths (CWB Maximum Financial), Thomas Martin (Swtch Energy) and Ephram Spielman (Carma Corp) discussed money issues in condominiums and participants learned how to read your budget, properly prepare a budget for your condo, manage your ongoing utility expenses such as electricity and water with submetering, manage the costs of electric car charging installations. [Read More]


October 20, 2022 - Published by Grand River Chapter - Author(s): Shalon Seebach, BBS, LCCI

Does Our Condo Budget Have to be Breakeven?

A breakeven budget is one where the anticipated revenue is the same amount as the expected total expenses. A good starting point is to consider the accumulated General (or Operating) fund balance. Should the condominium carry a surplus? The Condominium Act of Ontario acknowledges there could be a surplus – in subsection 84 (2) they indicate a surplus can be used for ...


October 11, 2022 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter - Author(s): Dave Williams

Inflation: Good News for Condos? Not!

From the Volume 13, Fall 2022 issue of the CCI GHC Condo News Magazine


September 7, 2022 - Published by London and Area Chapter - Author(s): Lyndsey McNally

Inflation is Coming for You

From the CCI Review 2022/2023-1 September 2022 issue of the CCI London Chapter


September 7, 2022 - Published by London and Area Chapter - Author(s): Braedon Hebert, CPA

Benefits of Accounts Payable Automation

From the CCI Review 2022/2023-1 September 2022 issue of the CCI London Chapter


September 7, 2022 - Published by London and Area Chapter - Author(s): Jennifer Dickenson, Séan Eglinton, Andrew Elliott, Alana Haggis, Lisa Skirten

Q&A—Inflation in Condos

From the CCI Review 2022/2023-1 September 2022 issue of the CCI London Chapter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ryan Griffiths, Robert Weinberg, Chris Jaglowitz


From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Debbie Dale

Back to the Basics - Common Expense Fees

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jon Juff

Condominium Operations

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Michelle Farley

Budgets - Fire Safety

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


June 22, 2022 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter - Author(s): Dave Williams

Condo Financial Statements… Directors just need to review and ask questions… Follow the money!

From the Volume 12, Summer 2022 issue of the CCI GHC Condo News Magazine


June 22, 2022 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter - Author(s): Will MacKay

Investing the Reserve Fund: How to Maximize Return and Minimize Risk

From the Volume 12, Summer 2022 issue of the CCI GHC Condo News Magazine


April 8, 2022 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Inflation and Management Challenges

Our panel of experts covered a couple of the most timely and impactful challenges facing the condominium industry today. The rising costs of goods and services and supply chain issues are delaying major projects and disrupting the financial well-being of stakeholders across the condominium industry. This session provided real-life insights as to what is happening, what to expect, and how best to deal with these challenges. The property management industry [Read More]


April 6, 2022 - Published by Eastern Ontario Chapter

Lunch and Learn - Budget Bites

A discussion on condo budgets and financial statements. [Read More]


March 31, 2022 - Published by Grand River Chapter - Author(s): Mike McGinnis

Getting Personal With Your Tax Filing

Personal tax season is approaching quickly! We wanted to provide a general guide on how to get ready for submitting your income taxes.


March 22, 2022 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Pot of Gold (Chargebacks) Pre and Post Amlani

A review of how to process chargebacks, what Boards and Managers need to know before charging back an expense. How has the Amlani case affected a Corporation's ability to chargeback. [Read More]


March 18, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Eliminating the Fear

Eliminating the fear of Special Assessments, Borrowing and Common Expense Fees [Read More]


February 25, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Show Me The Money!

Jerry Maguire must have lived in a condo! Condo owners, boards and property managers all know that the financial climate is changing and it is having a great impact on condos and how they operate. [Read More]


February 2, 2022 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): hristina Ajith-Brandford, Justin McLarty

Bonuses Should be Handled With Care

From the Winter 2021 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine, Volume 26, Issue Number 2


January 20, 2022 - Published by Grand River Chapter

Budgeting: Should Last Year’s Surplus Be Used to Fund a Pet Sanctuary?

It’s that time of year again for the Annual General Meeting and the process of forming next year’s budget. The auditor happily noted that the condominium had a growing surplus in both accounts. A golden retriever with a goofy grin ran onto the stage. His owner read a flyer that showed the benefits of having a pet sanctuary.


January 13, 2022 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter - Author(s): Kent Schultz

Planning for Capital Projects

From the Volume 11, Winter 2022 issue of the CCI GHC Condo News Magazine


November 24, 2021 - Published by London and Area Chapter - Author(s): Jennifer Dickenson

Q&A: Audit Basics

From the CCI Review 2021/2022—November 2021 issue of the CCI London Chapter


November 9, 2021 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Mo Killu, Carrie Cowton

The Top-Ten Ways to Save

From the Fall 2021 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine, Volume 26, Issue Number 1


November 9, 2021 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Anne Burgoon

A Loan Was Exactly What They Needed

From the Fall 2021 issue of CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine, Volume 26, Issue Number 1


October 14, 2021 - Published by Grand River Chapter

Who’s responsible for preparing your condominium's financial statements?

Most condominium corporations in Ontario have an audit completed annually and the resulting financial statements are provided to owners. But what about those condos that have less than 25 units and have waived the audit - do they still have to provide financial statements to the owners? The answer is...


September 22, 2021 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter - Author(s): Lyndsey McNally

Taking the Fear out of Financing

From the Fall 2021 issue of the Condo News Magazine of the Golden Horseshoe Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute


August 12, 2021 - Published by Eastern Ontario Chapter

Crunching Condo Finances

Join our panelists as they unravel the mysteries behind annual budgeting, reading financial statements and the dos and don't of investment planning. Why crunching the numbers is important for your corporation, who does what, and why. [Read More]


April 15, 2021 - Published by CCI National

CCI National - Financial Statements Translating the Numbers

Financial experts from across Canada as offered a practical lesson on how to read and interpret your condo or strata financial statements. Learn what to look for in the numbers and the types of questions you should ask. [Read More]


April 1, 2021 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Ryan Griffiths

Special Assessments

From the Spring 2021 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


April 1, 2021 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Brian Antman

Why Pay for Closed Amenities?

From the Spring 2021 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


April 1, 2021 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Jason Rivait, Justin McLarty

The Future of the Chargeback

From the Spring 2021 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


March 16, 2021 - Published by Golden Horseshoe Chapter

Money! That’s What We Want - CondoTalk

Deep dive on expense and cost recovery tips for Condo Corporations. [Read More]


November 12, 2020 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): ALTIN NANI

Deciphering Condo Management Fees

From the Fall 2020 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


April 13, 2020 - Published by CCI National

Borrowing for Condominium Corporations

Our series of six videos covers the financial options of borrowing for condominium corporations. Edmonton lawyer, Todd Shipley (Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP), explains all aspects of this topic; Introduction, Legislation, Rationale, Types of Borrowing, Process and ending with Q & A from audience.


April 2, 2020 - Published by South Saskatchewan Chapter

2018 Regina Garbage Rebate

Last week, Regina City Council voted to approve the 2018 budget - a budget that does not provide relief to condominium homeowners who must hire private garbage pickup. As part of the budget deliberations, Council voted 6-5 against a motion to reinstate the condominium garbage rebate. This article provides a list of contacts for members to contact.


April 1, 2020 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Stewart Handrahan

Reserve Fund Planning for Skyscrapers

From the Spring 2020 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


April 1, 2020 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Brian M. Antman

Financial Transparency in Condominiums

From the Spring 2020 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


April 1, 2020 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Stefan Nespoli, Lyndsey McNally

Why Are My Fees Going Up?

From the Spring 2020 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.

March 16, 2020 - Published by South Saskatchewan Chapter

Property Tax Campaign Information

CCI South Saskatchewan

March 16, 2020 - Published by South Saskatchewan Chapter

Information about CRA T2 – Corporate Income Tax Returns

CCI South Saskatchewan

March 10, 2020 - Published by Other

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Government/ External Resource

January 2, 2020 - Published by Grand River Chapter - Author(s): Gwen Story, B.Com (Hons), CPA, CGA

Do you need an audit of your financial statements? Find out what you need to know when selecting a financial statement auditor.


July 12, 2019 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Gabor Arato

A Debt Problem Is Essentially a Budgeting Problem

From the Summer 2019 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


January 14, 2019 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Ryan Griffiths

Leveraging Your Existing Budget

From the Winter 2018 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


March 20, 2018 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Allan Bishop

Financial Transparency and Building Trust with Owners

From the Spring 2018 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


January 19, 2018 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Ken Dearlove

To Inflate, or Not to Inflate?

From the Winter 2017 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


January 19, 2018 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Edmund Leong

Warning Signs - Condominium Audited Financial Statements

From the Winter 2017 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


January 19, 2017 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Murray Johnson, Paul Pittana

What to Do When Shortfalls Occur

From the Winter 2016 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


January 19, 2017 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Edmund Leong

Document, Document, Document ...

From the Winter 2016 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


January 19, 2017 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Murray Johnson, Paul Pittana

What to Do When Shortfalls Occur

From the article entitled "What to Do When Shortfalls Occur" by "Murray Johnson, Paul Pittana", published in the Winter 2016 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


October 19, 2016 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Rainer Vietze

Understanding the "Ins and Outs" of ITCs

From the Fall 2016 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


July 19, 2016 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Tina Flinders

Directors' Best Practices in the Collection Process

From the Summer 2016 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


July 19, 2016 - Published by Toronto and Area Chapter - Author(s): Tina Flinders

Directors' Best Practices in the Collection Process

From the article entitled "Directors' Best Practices in the Collection Process" by "Tina Flinders", published in the Summer 2016 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.

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This is solely a curation of materials. Not all of this information is created, provided or vetted by CCI. Some of the information is only applicable to certain provinces. CCI does not make any warranties about the reliability or accuracy of any information found in the materials on this website. The information is not updated to reflect changes in legislation or case law and therefore may not always be current and up-to-date. We suggest you seek professional advice with respect to your specific issues or regarding any questions that arise out of the material. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of any of the material found on the website.

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