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Reserve Funds

October 14, 2021 - Published by CCI National

CCI National - Webinar: Are you paying close attention to your Reserve Fund Study or Depreciation Report?

Join our panel of experts discussed reserve fund studies and depreciation reports [Read More]


July 6, 2021 - Published by CCI National

Insurance Legislative Summary Chart

This document is a summary of Insurance across Canada, compiled by the CCI National Government Relations Committee.

Common Issues

June 9, 2021 - Published by CCI National

CCI National - Managing Owner Expectations

Condominiums/Stratas  are a collection of strangers living together in a communal setting. Some people are interested in protecting their investment while others are expecting a hands free lifestyle at whatever cost. The panel discussed how to manage owner’s expectations and solutions for effective communication to avoid  conflict and the costs associated therewith. [Read More]

May 3, 2021 - Published by CCI National

IBC Resources Business Insurance Help

Business Insurance Questions? Call IBC's Business Insurance Helpline at 1-844-2ask-IBC (1-844-227-5422). Resources – IBC


April 19, 2021 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): DHA Team

Condopedia Episode 2 – Q&A session on COVID-19 issues at Condominiums

In this episode, we talk about COVID-19 issues at Condominiums. Hear from all of our lawyers on a wide variety of questions. Nancy keeps us all in check as the chairperson.


April 15, 2021 - Published by CCI National

CCI National - Financial Statements Translating the Numbers

Financial experts from across Canada as offered a practical lesson on how to read and interpret your condo or strata financial statements. Learn what to look for in the numbers and the types of questions you should ask. [Read More]

Chapter Newsletters

March 25, 2021 - Published by CCI National

CCI Huronia Spring 2021 Condo Buzz

CCI Huronia Spring 2021 Condo Buzz - Check out the Spring 2021 edition of Condo Buzz!! Filled with lots of interesting and helpful information on condominium safety for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.

January 15, 2021 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Nancy Houle - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

I think it’s fair to say that the pandemic has mainly worsened life for all of us – and has been particularly tough on many. In this blog, however, I’d like to reflect on some “silver linings” in this awful cloud.

January 13, 2021 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Davidson Houle Allen LLP

The Ontario government announced yesterday that it is declaring a second province-wide state of emergency. Click below to find out more about the new restrictions that will be in place and what this means for condominiums.

January 8, 2021 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Mohiminol Khandaker - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

The government is currently holding written public consultations about making permanent changes to the legislation to enable virtual and digital processes under the Condominium Act, 1998. Click below to learn more about what changes are being considered and how you can provide your feedback.


December 23, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): DHA Team

Condopedia Episode 7 – Holiday Q&A with DHA

Our latest episode is a Holiday Q&A session on various listener questions. The Q&A session took place on December 18, 2020.


October 22, 2020 - Published by CCI National

CCI National Insurance Webinar

Our national panel of insurance professionals shared their experiences from coast to coast and helped you understand why condos/stratas are in this position and what can be done to minimize the impact. We also learned about what CCI National is doing with the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) to help raise awareness of this issue on a national scale. [Read More]


September 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National

CCI-N Insurance Summary Chart Request

CCI chapters across the country have clearly heard from their members about the unexpected changes in condominium insurance. These changes have ranged from increases in premiums to the denial of coverage and have resulted in an condominium insurance crisis.

The Basics

September 17, 2020 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National

Glossary of Terms

Glossary of terms used in Canadian Condominiums and Stratas.

The Basics

September 17, 2020 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National

Getting Started as a Director

Condominiums are not a new concept. In one form or another, they have been around for thousands of years.

The Basics

September 17, 2020 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National

The Director’s Responsibilities and Governance

Provincial Legislation is created largely as consumer protection legislation designed to protect the rights of owners. As such, it has many sections setting out insurance, maintenance and repair, creation of its Declaration, by-laws and rules.

The Basics

September 17, 2020 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National

Property Management

This section introduces property management for a Condominium. Regardless of the type of Condominium or the size, all Condominium Corporations need to be managed.

The Basics

September 17, 2020 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National

Planning, Financial and Other Responsibilities

This section introduces an overview of the annual calendar of tasks, monthly administration for Condominium Corporations, and some of the legislation that governs a Board of Director’s actions and decisions.

The Basics

September 17, 2020 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National

CCI Director's Code of Ethics

CCI code of ethics for use by Condominium and Strata Corporations. The PDF attached here is a form that can be completed and signed by potential directors.

The Basics

August 20, 2020 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Sally Thompson

Links to Condo Legislation from Coast to Coast

Links to provincial condominium legislation and regulations across Canada. Key terms used by each province.


August 19, 2020 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National - Author(s): CCI National

CCI-N Primer: Canadian Condominium Legislation – A Coast to Coast Comparison - 2020

The CCI National Condominium Primer provides an overview of some of the basic aspects of statutes and regulations from each province and territory. It is provided as an educational reference to familiarize National Directors on the legislative frameworks of condominium legislation across Canada.

The Basics

August 19, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Armand Conant

CCI-N Primer: Canadian Condominium Legislation – A Coast to Coast Comparison - 2024

This is the 6th Edition of CCI National’s Primer. As mentioned in earlier editions, given the diversity of condominium legislation and regulation across Canada, CCI National believed that it would be helpful to publish a short overview of some of the more basic aspects of the statutes and regulations from each of the provinces and territories.


August 16, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): James Davidson and David Lu (DHA)

Condopedia Episode 5 – Its all about Sharing – A brief history and overview of Ontario Condominium Law with Jim Davidson

David has a conversation with partner Jim Davidson on the history of Condo Law in Ontario. What were some of the major changes? What was the logic behind the existence of condominiums in the first place? Why condominiums have grown so much in recent years? We talk about all of that.

August 1, 2020 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National - Author(s): CCI - James Davidson (Davidson Houle Allen LLP)

Condo Cases Across Canada

Condo Cases Across Canada is a quarterly publication of the Canadian Condominium Institute, National Chapter. Each issue contains summaries of some of the latest condominium decisions (from Courts and Administrative Tribunals) across the country. Not all cases are summarized. But most of the key condominium cases are summarized.


July 1, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): CCI National

Summary of Insurance Across Canada

Summary of Insurance across Canada, published by the CCI National Government Relations Committee.


May 9, 2020 - Published by CCI National

COVID 19 and Condos - CCI National Webinar May 7, 2020

One of CCI’s greatest strengths is its vast and national wide access to resources. On May 7, 2020, CCI National hosted its first national webinar with speakers from all CCI chapters across the Country. Our speakers shared their knowledge, practical tips and insights into issues that are affecting owners, directors, property managers and professionals dealing with condos during the COVID 19 pandemic. [Read More]


May 7, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Michele Farley

Fire Safety and Directions from Authorities Across the Country during COVID 19

Following up to her discussion during the National Webinar on COVID 19 held on May 7, 2020, Michele Farley provides a written summary of her comments made during the webinar regarding fire safety.

April 30, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Shalon Seebach

Over the last several weeks, the Federal government has made several announcements regarding financial assistance programs that have been made available to corporations and individuals. You are probably wondering whether your condominium corporation is eligible for any of these. The answer is – maybe.

Condo Living

April 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National

Condominium Legislation Updates

Condominium legislation in Alberta has seen significant changes that took effect on January 1, 2020. In this series of 10 videos from our presentation held in January, we cover: Bylaws & Rules Service of Documents, General Meetings & Proxies Documents Contributions Fines & Sanctions Chargebacks & Caveats Reserve Funds, Rental Deposits & Borrowing Insurance Q & A from the audience [Read More]


April 14, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Laurie Kiedrowski

Temporary Relief to Protect Condominium Dwellers: Alberta's Ministerial Order April 9, 2020

Following up to her discussion during the CCI National Webinar held on May 7, 2020, Laurie provides a written summary of the Ministerial Order dated April 9, 2020 that the Alberta government issued to address specific issues facing condos.


April 13, 2020 - Published by CCI National

Borrowing for Condominium Corporations

Our series of six videos covers the financial options of borrowing for condominium corporations. Edmonton lawyer, Todd Shipley (Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP), explains all aspects of this topic; Introduction, Legislation, Rationale, Types of Borrowing, Process and ending with Q & A from audience.


April 9, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): DHA Team

Condopedia Episode 4 – Conducting Virtual Meetings during these physical distancing times

In our latest episode, we provide some practical tips on conducting virtual owner’s meetings while physical distancing restrictions remain in effect. We review two options that are currently top of mind: one – using GetQuorum and Zoom together, two – just using Zoom.


April 9, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Davidson Houle Allen LLP

UPDATE – COVID-19: Are Lawn Maintenance Services Essential in Ontario?

As such, we’ve updated our blog (with new information highlighted in red) to help property mangers and Boards assess whether their landscaping work should proceed.


April 9, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Emily Deng - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not an Excuse

A recent decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal, released on April 2, 2020, highlights the Court’s message to the legal profession that while in-person hearings have been suspended, where it is fair and in the interest of justice to move forward by other means, the parties should do so. To that end, the Court of Appeal sent parties who had an upcoming appeal a notice setting out various options


April 8, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Victoria Craine - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

2020 Ontario Court Decision Respecting Non-Urgent Repairs during COVID

Last week, the Ontario Superior Court considered whether to prevent third party contractors from entering a condominium building to complete non-urgent repair work during the COVID-19 pandemic.


April 6, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Melinda Andrews - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

COVID-19: Ontario Government Publishes Revised List of Essential Services

The Ontario Government has recently expanded business closures and limited the list of essential services that are allowed to continue providing services at the moment


April 6, 2020 - Published by CCI National

Changes to Insurance Deductibles for Condominiums

Important Insurance Changes You Need to Know - Effective January 1, 2020, condominium corporations will be able to seek recovery of the deductible portion of the corporation's insurance claim (up to a maximum of $50,000) from an owner for damages that originate from the owner's unit or privacy area. Edmonton lawyer, Todd Shipley (Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP), explains this change.


April 2, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Davidson Houle Allen LLP

COVID-19 FAQ – Issue #3: How Should Moves and Unit Showings Be Handled?

As the province enters another week of social distancing and self-isolation, many condominium Managers and Boards may be wondering how the approach to certain building operations should be changed to ensure public health and safety.


March 31, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19: Signage and Posters

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, condominium corporations should consider: - Posting signage to alert unit owners of any signs and symptoms of acute respiratory illness, - Display posters promoting hand-washing and respiratory hygiene. The attached signs can be displayed at home and in condos for a better understanding of steps to take to limit the spread of COVID-19.


March 31, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Cheryll Wood - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

COVID-19: City of Ottawa Enforcement Measures

Over past couple of days, the Ontario Government implemented additional measures under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (“EMCPA”) to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These measures include restricting gatherings of more than 5 people and closing parks and equipment.


March 30, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Sonja Hodis

Why a Condo Should Not Refund or Provide Relief from Payment of Common Expense Fees during COVID 19 crisis

Over the course of the last few weeks many condo corporations have been asking whether they can defer owner’s common expense fee (CEF) payments or provide any sort of relief to owners who are not able to pay their CEF as a result of the COVID 19 crisis. They have also asked whether they can refund CEF paid if amenities have been closed. The short answer is NO. Why?


March 30, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): James Davidson - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

COVID-19: Some General Thoughts for Condo Boards

These are exceptional, critical times for condominium corporations. Condominiums are at the very heart of the COVID-19 crisis, because they are potential “hot spots” for the transmission of the virus. What does this mean for condominium Boards and their Managers? What is their overall obligation at this critical time?


March 27, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): DHA Team

Condopedia Episode 3 – Covid 19 and Condominiums, another Q&A

Our firm conducted an earlier Q&A session on Covid-19 and Condominiums on March 27, 2020.


March 25, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Davidson Houle Allen LLP

COVID-19 FAQ – Issue #2: How Will Building Operations Be Affected?

By now, many will have seen the Ontario government’s published list of “Essential Businesses” which will be permitted to remain open over the next 14 days and likely beyond (also check out our previous blog post on this topic). While this may provide some guidance regarding the availability of condominium management and maintenance services, we hope to answer some further questions on everyday building operations in this blog post.


March 25, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Victoria Craine - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Prohibiting Short-Term Tenancies During the COVID-19 Crisis

There is no question that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be very contagious, and that widespread community transmission is now happening. This is a concern in a condominium community, where residents are living in close proximity and are sharing common element areas with others.


March 24, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Melinda Andrews - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

What Does the Shut Down of Non-Essential Services Mean for Condos?

The Ontario Government has ordered a mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces effective as of Tuesday March 24th at 11:59 pm. The closure will be in effect for 14 days, with the possibility of an extension if needed.


March 24, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Christy Allen - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

COVID-19: The Impact on the Tarion Claim Process in Ontario

In response to the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on daily life in Ontario, Tarion has responded by acknowledging the potential impact the crisis may have on the ability of condominiums to complete their performance audits, and by committing to review situations where such delay may occur on a case by case basis. While Tarion is not confirming that deadlines applicable to the filing of any performance audits will necessarily


March 23, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 11: How Could The Closure Of Non-Essential Businesses Affect Condominium Corporations?

All non-essential businesses in the Province of Ontario have been ordered to close by the Premier effective 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23, 2020, for the next 14 days and potentially longer if the order is extended. On Tuesday, March 23, 2020, details regarding what businesses will be permitted to stay open will be announced by the Premier.


March 23, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Diana F. Saturno

Employer Options during COVID-19: Work Sharing Program

Many employers wish to avoid layoffs during this unprecedented economic climate. An option for employers is to work with their employees to create alternative employment arrangements. Work-Sharing is one program available to employers and employees that can accommodate a temporary reduction in business activity due to events beyond the control of the employer, such as COVID-19.


March 23, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): James Davidson - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Ontario Suspends Limitation Periods

Due to the COVID-19 declared state of emergency, the province of Ontario has suspended all “limitation periods”, and all “provisions establishing any period of time within which any step must be taken in any proceeding (or intended proceeding)”, under any statute, regulation, rule, by-law or Order of the Government of Ontario.


March 23, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Mohiminol Khandaker - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Coronavirus (COVID-19): What About the Courts?

Given the recent disruption to certain services as a result of COVID-19, we’ve put together this summary of the most up-to date information respecting court and administrative tribunal proceedings. We hope this is helpful to our clients (and fellow legal professionals) as we navigate this unprecedented situation.


March 23, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): James Davidson - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Some Practical Considerations for Condominiums

We’ve been receiving many excellent practical questions from condominium Boards and Managers surrounding COVID-19 (particularly how to manage activities in the condominium during this health crisis).


March 23, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Davidson Houle Allen LLP

COVID-19 FAQ – Issue #1: What If a Resident Tests Positive?

As we enter another week of social distancing during unprecedented times, we know that many condominium Boards, Managers and residents are foremost concerned about the health of their families and communities. In this blog, we hope to provide some guidance to Boards and Managers on how to handle positive cases of COVID-19 in their condominium buildings.


March 22, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Ontario Public Health

Cleaning and Disinfection for Public Settings from Ontario Public Health

A two page summary of how to clean and disinfect public spaces. May be useful for condominium common areas, although quite light in information. Hopefully better tools will come soon. See link.

March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

With COVID-19 being a hard and fast reality for everyone globally, condominium communities are swept up in this dynamic and must think proactively as contained environments to manage the risk.


March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Ontario Bulletin No. 7: Status Certificates

While it is too early to tell, we anticipate that the operational costs for a condominium corporation are increasing. This means that budgets may not accurately reflect, at the current time, the impact of this pandemic.


March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 8: Contracts & Managing Them Going Forward

With the presence of COVID-19 requiring condominiums to think ahead on Spring contracts and regular contracts, we have the following questions for your Board to consider as you think ahead.


March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 9: Protocols For Unit Owners Within Their Condominium Community

Unit owners should be proactively trying to minimize the exposure to the outside world, including with their condominium community. Unit Owners should be proactively taking steps to reduce the risks to your community. How do you do this?


March 21, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 10: Regular Repair & Maintenance

During the current state of managing the COVID-19 virus, it is essential that while the Corporation must continue to operate, a Corporation should, as always, do so in a safe manner. This includes minimizing the transmission of the virus to the community and avoiding panic.


March 20, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Laura Glithero

Letter to Board and Managers re Covid-19

Letter to condo boards and property managers re tips for Covid-19, including a notice to be posted in the building and questions to ask of staff when deciding whether they should come to work.


March 20, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Sally Thompson

Tarion Timelines for Builder Bulletin 19 Process in Ontario - Revised March 20 2020

Revised document from Tarion providing guidance to condominium corporations, performance auditors and Bulletin 19 FRCs whose report submission or resolution timing might be impacted by COVID-19.


March 20, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 4 Part 2: Collections

Since our Bulletin of March 18th concerning the collection of common expenses, many ideas have been circulated around how the process for collecting unpaid common expenses should be addressed. It remains; however, that condominiums must register liens within 3 months of unpaid common expenses originating.


March 20, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Elia Associates

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 5: COVID-19 & Condo Conflict

On-site management offices have already closed and many condominium managers are working from home. Still, it remains that condominium communities across the province are “home” for their residents. Whether you are a director, owner or tenant, chances are that you are self-isolating in your unit and attempting to foster and embrace social distancing insofar as possible; all of which seems to contradict the communal nature of condo living.


March 20, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Samantha Green

COVID-19: Is your Agreement of Purchase and Sale Enforceable?

The Government of Canada has lowered interest rates in order to help the economy grapple with the COVID-19 public health crisis. However, businesses remain shuttered. Employees can’t go to work. Canadians are being told to stay home. For many, the financial outlook may be very different today than it was a month ago. In this new and sudden reality, some people are facing this significant question: do agreements of purchase


March 19, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): David Lu and Nancy Houle - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

COVID-19 and Condo Fees

Over the past couple of days, we have received numerous inquiries about how condominium corporations should deal with requests from owners to delay paying the monthly common expenses. The requests from owners are due to the uncertainty and financial stress caused by COVID-19.


March 19, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Diana Saturno

What are your Options as an Employer during the COVID-19 Pandemic?

COVID-19 has created an unprecedented and uniquely devastating situation in Canada and throughout the world. As the government encourages social distancing and staying at home, and in an effort to curb the spread of the disease, employers have to make tough decisions to ensure the long-term health of their businesses. Below are some options for employers when deciding how to manage their business in the coming weeks.


March 18, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Cheryll Wood - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Coronavirus – What About Our Staff?

As we continue to navigate this unprecedented situation, we are trying to address questions raised by managers and condominiums in a timely manner. One of the many concerns that we have heard over the last couple of days related to COVID-19 is: What are condominium corporation obligations as employers?


March 18, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Jennifer Dickenson

A letter to owners in condos during COVID-19

Here is an posting we sent to all owners in our condos regarding COVID-19 information, how to behave in condos and what your personal responsibilities are in this time. Please use!


March 18, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Marc Bhalla & Richard Elia

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 4: Collections

As the Land Registry Office and banks remain open at the time of writing, the Law Society of Ontario has suggested that real estate transactions should close as scheduled. However, in the event that a party becomes unable to close for a reason relating to COVID-19, lawyers have been encouraged to cooperate with each other, while preserving their client’s interests (i.e. agree to extend closing rather than force the other


March 17, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): James Davidson and Melinda Andrews - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Coronavirus – Our Answers to Some FAQs

We think it goes without saying that the novel coronavirus and related risks surrounding Covid-19 have “turned the world upside down”. And condominiums are very much involved because condominiums typically involve meetings and social gatherings and people living in close community. We’re certainly getting lots of questions from our clients. In case it may help, here are our answers to some FAQs surrounding coronavirus and Covid-19:


March 17, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Ashley Winberg and Patricia Elia

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 3: Immediate Protocols To Be Implemented By Condominiums

Condominium corporations are the “fourth level of government” and have a statutory obligation to take reasonable steps to protect all persons on condominium property from foreseeable harm and dangerous conditions as per the Occupier’s Liability Act and the Condominium Act.


March 17, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Rod Escayola

Condos Must Adapt to Provincial State of Emergency

Many provinces have declared a state of emergency. They are closing down public venues and urging residents to stay home. Is this social distancing in public spaces potentially compromising the one required at condos. Condo corporations should consider adopting directive and precautions that will help “flatten the curve” on the home front as well.


March 15, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Nancy Houle - Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Condos – Update on Meetings

As the number of COVID-19 cases increase across the country, and each municipality grapples with how best to deal with the rapidly evolving situation at a local level, the most common recommendation we are seeing to help mitigate risk and spread is social-distancing. The natural question is, therefore, what does this now mean in relation to a condominium corporation’s legal obligation to hold board of directors, or owners, meetings.


March 12, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Nancy Houle

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Condos - Meeting, Messaging and Maintenance

Concerns about coronavirus (also known as “COVID-19”) are, of course, in the forefronts of all of our minds. As the number of cases of coronavirus increase across the country, and with cases now confirmed in Eastern Ontario, we are receiving questions from our clients about what this means for the condominium industry.


March 12, 2020 - Published by CCI National

COVID-19 Resource Document

CCI aspires to at all times support best practices in the Condominium Management Industry. We are together rising to meet the challenge of COVID 19. Several pages of information that will be of interest to you as it may affect your Condominium Home have been prepared for you.


March 11, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Joel Berkovitz and Patrick Greco

The Coronavirus’s Impact on Condominium Living

A brief overview of how the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted condominium living.

March 10, 2020 - Published by CCI National

Condo Strength

CCI National Resource


March 9, 2020 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Rod Escayola

Coronavirus in Condos

The spread of Covid19 is impacting condos. This article focuses on the risks and legal obligations condos have towards their owners/occupants, visitors and employees.


October 28, 2019 - Published by CCI National

Legislative Summary of Reserve Funds on a Provincial Basis

This paper is a brief compilation of legislation and related information across Canada on reserve funds and reserve fund studies.

Chapter Newsletters

October 24, 2019 - Published by CCI National

CCI North Alberta - Insite to Condos: Vol. 33, issue 1 - Fall 2019

Feature Articles: "The Scoop on Pets in Condos", "CRA Requirements for Condominiums", "Therapy Animals Unleashed", "Condos in Bloom", and "2019 Golf Mixer Highlights". Regular Features - Owners Guide to Condo Living, Ask the Professionals, On Board, Legal Corner, Meet the Staff, Government Advocacy Report, President's Message, and the Business Partner Directory.


July 12, 2019 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Gabor Arato

A Debt Problem Is Essentially a Budgeting Problem

From the Summer 2019 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.

Environment - Climate Change

July 12, 2019 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Luis Hernandez

Innovative Energy Savings in Condos

From the Summer 2019 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.


January 19, 2017 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): Murray Johnson, Paul Pittana

What to Do When Shortfalls Occur

From the article entitled "What to Do When Shortfalls Occur" by "Murray Johnson, Paul Pittana", published in the Winter 2016 issue of the CCI Toronto Condovoice Magazine.

Reserve Funds

April 1, 2015 - Published by CCI National - Author(s): CCI National

Legislative Summary of Reserve Funds on a Provincial Basis

Legislative Summary of Reserve Funds on a Provincial Basis


November 21, 2013 CCI Original Content - Published by CCI National

CCI-N Primer: Canadian Condominium Legislation – A Coast to Coast Comparison - 2013

CCI-N Primer: Canadian Condominium Legislation – A Coast to Coast Comparison (Nov 2013) See updated version prepared in 2020. This version has been kept for historical reference.

Back to Overview


This is solely a curation of materials. Not all of this information is created, provided or vetted by CCI. Some of the information is only applicable to certain provinces. CCI does not make any warranties about the reliability or accuracy of any information found in the materials on this website. The information is not updated to reflect changes in legislation or case law and therefore may not always be current and up-to-date. We suggest you seek professional advice with respect to your specific issues or regarding any questions that arise out of the material. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of any of the material found on the website.

© 2025 CCI National