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Chapter Newsletters

June 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Spring and Summer 2024 Condo Buzz

Check out the latest edition of Condo Buzz for lots of interesting and helpful information for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.

Condo Living

June 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ashley Lamb

Review All Condominium Documentation Prior To Purchasing

From the CCI Huronia Spring/Summer 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter


June 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jon Juffs, Leslie Zabiuk

Understanding Condo Unit Owner Boundaries For Renovations

From the CCI Huronia Spring/Summer 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter


June 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Sandy Fantino, Ceri Morris

Understanding Condo Unit Owner Insurance: Why It’s Essential

From the CCI Huronia Spring/Summer 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter


June 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Tony Servello

It's All In The Details

From the CCI Huronia Spring/Summer 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Condo Living

June 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Brunch & Learn - Another Complete Success

From the CCI Huronia Spring/Summer 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter


June 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Patricia Elia

CCI National Update

From the CCI Huronia Spring/Summer 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Condo Living

June 21, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter


Join Sonja Hodis, Michele Farley (FCS Fire Consulting Services), Melanie Bergsma (HALO) and Eric Snider (Winmar Barrie) our panel of experts as we discuss strategies that condominium corporations and property managers can use to deal with hoarding situations in a condominium community. [Read More]


May 24, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter

The Do’s and Don’ts of Filing an Insurance Claim

Join Sonja Hodis, Debbie Dale, Jennifer Beaver, Tony Esposito and Phyda Kim as we discuss what you should and should not do when you are faced with the situation of filing an insurance claim. The webinar will be focusing on three types of claims: property damage claims, general liability (ie. personal injury) claims and director and officer liability claims. [Read More]


March 22, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Condo Governance, Conflicts of Interest and Director Ethics

Join condo lawyers Sonja Hodis, Patricia Elia, and Chris Jaglowitz along with property manager, Jessica Laker and condo director, Patricia Sinclair as they discuss the governance framework condominiums in Ontario operate under, what is a conflict a interest and how to deal with them as well as a discussion about Board of Director Ethics and Codes of Conduct. [Read More]

Chapter Newsletters

February 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Winter 2024 Condo Buzz

Check out the latest edition of Condo Buzz for lots of interesting and helpful information for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.

Environment - Climate Change

February 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Mina Tesseris

Conserve Energy and Save Money

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Environment - Climate Change

February 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Steve Hubbard

Charging Grants: Sources & Considerations for Condos

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Environment - Climate Change

February 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Derrick Finn

Incentives for Energy Retrofits

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Environment - Climate Change

February 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Thomas Noel

Why Get Energy Efficient Windows?

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Condo Living

February 27, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Patricia Elia

CCI National Update

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2024 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Maintenance and Repairs

February 23, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Strategies to Prolong the Service Life of Your Common Elements

Join Sonja Hodis (moderator), Chris MacMillan, Jon Dickson, Jeremy Nixon and Jeff Livingstone as they discuss strategies to prolong the service life of your condo’s common elements. As we have seen in the media, some condominiums are finding themselves in a very difficult cashflow situation as their infrastructure ages and saved reserve funds are not adequate to pay for major repairs and replacement. [Read More]


January 24, 2024 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Introduction to Condominiums in Ontario

Join our moderator, Sonja Hodis along with Patrica Elia, Ashley Winberg, Ashley Lamb, Jeff Struewing, Blair Spinney and Jon Juffs as we introduce you to various aspects of condominium living, ownership and governance. [Read More]


December 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Case Law Update 2023

Join condominium lawyers Sonja Hodis, Ashley Winberg, Natalia Polis and Katya Ukrainetz as they discuss important cases from the Court and CAT in 2023. [Read More]

Property Management

November 17, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Pro Tips and Tricks

Join our moderator Sonja Hodis as she extracts golden nuggets from our panel of CCI Huronia professional and business members who share their pro trips and tricks for condominiums. [Read More]


October 20, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

What is an Effective Condo Director?

Join Sonja Hodis as well as our breakout room facilitators (Patricia Elia, Michele Farley, Ryan Griffiths, Debbie Dale, Ashley Winberg and Blair Spinney) as we explore what makes an effective director. While the Condominium Act and a condominium’s by laws create the bare minimum criteria to qualify for the director position we all know that it takes more than just these bare minimum requirements to be an effective director. [Read More]

Chapter Newsletters

October 5, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Fall 2023 Condo Buzz

Check out the latest edition of Condo Buzz for lots of interesting and helpful information for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.


October 5, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ashley Lamb

Common Elements VS. Exclusive-Use Common Elements

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Property Management

October 5, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Debbie Dale, Kirsten Dale

Managing and Rule Enforcement

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter


October 5, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Michele Farley

Fire Safety on Exclusive-Use Property

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter


October 5, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Sonja Hodis

Enforcing Breaches

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Condo Living

September 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Safety and Security in Your Condominium

Join Sonja Hodis (Hodislaw) as she discusses  personal and property security issues as well as fire safety in condos with Michele Farley (FCS Fire Consulting Services) and Benjamin Tabesh (Condor Security). Learn about how to identify your condo’s vulnerabilities and suggestions for best practices to make your condo community safer for all those that work and reside there. [Read More]

Condo Living

June 16, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

What a Nuisance! How to deal with noise and smoke/odour nuisances in your Condo

Noise, Odour, Smoke, Vapour, Light and Vibration - that is what the Condo Act and its Regulations define as a nuisance. What does your Declaration or Rules say? When is something a nuisance? Where is the balance in interests? What is the Condominium's role and duties? What are the important considerations when managing these claims effectively? [Read More]

Chapter Newsletters

May 19, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Spring 2023 Condo Buzz

Check out the latest edition of Condo Buzz for lots of interesting and helpful information for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.

Property Management

May 19, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jessica Laker

Differences Between Styles of Condominiums, Building VS. Townhouses

From the CCI Huronia Spring 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Reserve Funds

May 19, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jon Juffs

Differences Between High-Rise and Town-House Reserve Fund Studies in Ontario

From the CCI Huronia Spring 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter


May 19, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Michele Farley

Who Is Responsible for Fire Safety in Condos? Townhouses VS. Apartments

From the CCI Huronia Spring 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter


May 19, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Townhouse Condominium VS. Apartment Condominium Insurance Coverage: The Same but Different

From the CCI Huronia Spring 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Condo Living

May 12, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Insurance in Condos - Where are we now, Where are we going?

Join our moderator Sonja Hodis (Hodis Law) along with Tom Gallinger (Atrens-Counsel) and Tricia Baratta (Gallagher), two leading condo insurance professionals, as they discuss the current insurance market, future trends and things to consider when your renewal comes up. Want to learn about Condo Insurance basics? [Read More]

Condo Living

March 24, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Short Term Rentals in Condos - Get Answers to your "Short" questions!

Join Sonja Hodis (Hodis Law) along with Patricia Elia (Elia Associates), Jeff Struewing & Jodie Kennedy (Shore to Slope), Josh Milgrom (Lash Condo Law), and Tom Gallinger (Atrens-Counsel Insurance Brokers), and Michele Farley (FCS Fire Consulting Services) as they discuss various issues. [Read More]

Condo Living

February 24, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Tenants in Condos

Join Sonja Hodis (Hodis Law) along with Patricia Elia (Elia Associates), Sheila Krivsky (Shore to Slope), Natalia Polis (Lash Condo Law), and Tricia Baratta (Gallagher Insurance) as they discuss various issues condo boards, owners and property managers must deal with when condos have units that are occupied by tenants as opposed to condos who only have owner occupied units. [Read More]

Chapter Newsletters

February 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Winter 2023 Condo Buzz

Check out the latest edition of Condo Buzz for lots of interesting and helpful information for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.


February 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Tom Marchese

Fire Safety - What to Expect in 2023

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Condo Living

February 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ashley Lamb

Things to Consider Going into the Real Estate Market in 2023

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Property Management

February 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jeff Struewing

CMRAO & CAT Updates

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter


February 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Mina Tesseris

Bill 23

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Environment - Climate Change

February 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Patricia Elia

Proposed Implementation of Ultra Low Overnight Energy Prices

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter


February 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jon Juffs

Insurance Bureau of Canada Update

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter


February 15, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ashley Winberg

Bill 23: Friend or Foe?

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2023 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Condo Living

February 7, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Introduction to Condominiums in Ontario

Are you thinking of buying a condo? Do you live in a condo? Are you a condo director? Join your moderator, Sonja Hodis along with the rest of the CCI Huronia Board of Directors as we introduce you to various aspects of condominium living, ownership and governance. Topics covered include: types of condos, condo governance and finances, condo documents, owner's and board meetings, property management, and condo disputes. [Read More]

Condo Living

January 24, 2023 - Published by Huronia Chapter

What’s New for Condos in 2023 and a Discussion about the Bellaria Residences II Condo Tragedy and Self Care Tips

Our moderator, Sonja Hodis as well as our speakers Ashley Lamb, Evan Shkolnik, Tom Marchese, Jeff Struewing, Jon Juffs, Blair Spinney, Patricia Elia, Ashley Winberg, and Mina Tesseris discuss updates in relation to Bill 23, Fire Safety, Condo Real Estate Market, Leases or loans - why you need to know the difference for your financial statements, Insurance Bureau, Construction costs CMRAO and CAT, Electricity and CCI legislative committee submissions [Read More]


December 9, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Lessons from the Courts, Human Rights Tribunal and the Condominium Authority Tribunal - Condo Cases from 2022

Our condo lawyers Sonja Hodis (Hodislaw), Gareth Stackhouse (Common Ground Condo Law), Tony Servello (Ain Whitehead) and Ashley Winberg (Elia Associates) discuss the twists and turns of what happened in condo land during 2022 and how decision makers reacted to common situations condo boards and owners have found themselves in. [Read More]

Chapter Newsletters

November 25, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Fall 2022 Condo Buzz

Check out the latest edition of Condo Buzz for lots of interesting and helpful information for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.


November 25, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Michele Farley

Managers & Boards! If You Have Any 2022 Budget Left Over, This is How to Spend It!

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


November 25, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ashley Winberg

Is Bill 23 The Answer to Ontario’s Housing Crisis?

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Maintenance and Repairs

November 25, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jeff Struewing

Importance of Fall Maintenance & Preparedness

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Condo Living

November 25, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Debbie Dale

Resilient Communities Rise Above the Rest

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Maintenance and Repairs

November 25, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Mina Tesseris

Integrating Resilience into Condo Building Repair Projects

From the CCI Huronia Fall 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


November 18, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Can you be richer than you think?

Our moderator Sonja Hodis and our panel of experts which included Blair Spinney (Auditor), Ryan Griffiths (CWB Maximum Financial), Thomas Martin (Swtch Energy) and Ephram Spielman (Carma Corp) discussed money issues in condominiums and participants learned how to read your budget, properly prepare a budget for your condo, manage your ongoing utility expenses such as electricity and water with submetering, manage the costs of electric car charging installations. [Read More]


October 21, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Difficult People or Difficult Situation - Are they the same?

Condos are communities and as with any community where you have a multitude of people living close together there is bound to be situations and people that are difficult to manage. Our panel, along with our special guest, Dr. Daros from CAMH, will discuss how to best handle these dilemmas, whether you should deal with the difficult person, the difficult situation or both [Read More]

Reserve Funds

September 23, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Global Impacts on Your Reserve Fund

Join our panel of experts as they discuss how today's world events are impacting your condo's reserve fund and what things you should be thinking about when making reserve fund expenditures. Learn how to be proactive and plan ahead to stay afloat despite the rising inflation rates, potential global conflicts and ongoing issues with contracts and contractors. [Read More]

Chapter Newsletters

July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz

Check out the Summer 2022 edition of Condo Buzz!! Filled with lots of interesting and helpful information on condominium safety for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.

Condo Living

July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ashley Lamb

Special Assessments When Buying & Selling Condos

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jeff Strewing

Things Boards Should Consider

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Patricia Elia

Legal Impacts of Special Assessments

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ryan Griffiths, Robert Weinberg, Chris Jaglowitz


From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Debbie Dale

Back to the Basics - Common Expense Fees

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jon Juff

Condominium Operations

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


July 8, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Michelle Farley

Budgets - Fire Safety

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Condo Living

June 17, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Lunch and Learn Webinar - Pets in Condos

Pets in Condos is an issue that most if not all condos will have to deal with at some point. Whether it is banning pets altogether or regulating the type and size of pet you can have, our panel of experts will discuss the ins and outs of how to deal with pets in your condo and the things you need to consider when creating and enforcing provisions ... [Read More]


May 13, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Lunch and Learn Webinar - The ABCDs of Insurance in Condos

Condos are required under section 99 of the Condo Act to obtain and maintain insurance for damage to the units and common elements caused by major perils or other perils specified in the Declaration or Bylaws, but are not required to obtain insurance for unit improvements. ... [Read More]


March 18, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Eliminating the Fear

Eliminating the fear of Special Assessments, Borrowing and Common Expense Fees [Read More]


February 25, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Show Me The Money!

Jerry Maguire must have lived in a condo! Condo owners, boards and property managers all know that the financial climate is changing and it is having a great impact on condos and how they operate. [Read More]

Chapter Newsletters

February 17, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Winter 2022 Condo Buzz

Check out the Winter 2022 edition of Condo Buzz!! Filled with lots of interesting and helpful information on condominium safety for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.

Reserve Funds

February 17, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jon Juffs

Funds, Studies, and Plans - Oh My!

From the CCI Huronia Winter 2022 Condo Buzz Newsletter


January 27, 2022 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): CCI Huronia Chapter

Intro to Condos Course 2022

If you are an owner and are thinking of becoming a director, this webinar will provide you with a solid foundation on the variety of issues directors are expected to encounter. If you live in a condo, this webinar may answer a lot of your questions about why living in a condo is so different... [Read More]


December 17, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Sonja Hodis, Patricia Elia, Gareth Stackhouse

Case Law Update

Join Sonja Hodis, Patricia Elia and Gareth Stackhouse as we discuss condo cases from 2021 and find out what the Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) and the courts have been saying about condo issues. How are they dealing with costs, owners behaving badly, seasonal furniture, visitor parking and much more? This is a webinar you don’t want to miss! [Read More]

Condo Living

November 19, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Technology in Condos

Join Sonja Hodis, our moderator as she talks with Debbie Dale, Jeff Struewing, Jennifer Dickenson, Joanna Tomaszewski, Evan Shkolnik, Adam Arcuri, Daniela Contreras, Bolis Ibrahim, Thomas Martin about new and improved technology for condos. From apps to portals, LED conversions to electronic communication, easy minutes and file storage. ... [Read More]


October 29, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

The Evolution of Condominium Insurance: From Routine to Obstacle Course

As something moves from a simple to a more complex form, it has evolved. The evolution of insurance for condominiums has proven to have fewer pros than cons and it has certainly become more complex to navigate than in the recent past.


October 29, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Innovative Tech Solutions for Hybrid Meetings

Virtual meetings safeguarded residents, guests, board members and managers as condo corporations navigated through social distancing rules due to the pandemic. In condominium communities, virtual meetings have become the ‘new normal.’


October 29, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Meeting in the New World

It’s no exaggeration to say the last eighteen months have been a huge learning curve for many of us, with an unprecedented reliance on the Internet, and digital communication swiftly becoming a vital skill to master. Although the end of our isolation seems to be in sight (fingers crossed), many of these digital skills are going to remain in place for a long time, so now we all have to

Maintenance and Repairs

October 29, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Fire Safety in Condos, Ever Evolving

We hear from clients every day who are frustrated that there always seems to be a new Fire Code requirement or standard that they have to comply with. How are they supposed to know them all? How are they supposed to keep up? WHY does the Fire Code keep changing?


October 29, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CAT’S Evolution - January 21, 2022 Sees a Further Expansion of Their Jurisdiction

The Condominium Authority Tribunal (commonly known as CAT) has gone through quite an evolution since its inception which occurred as a result of the 2017 changes to the Condominium Act (the “Act”).

Chapter Newsletters

October 29, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Fall 2021 Condo Buzz

Interesting and helpful information for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.

Common Issues

October 22, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Learning From Reality

What better way to learn than from the experience of others. Join us as we share 6 real life case studies of actual situations condo boards, property managers and owners have had to deal with. Learn what strategies worked and which ones you may want to avoid. [Read More]

Maintenance and Repairs

September 13, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Lessons Learned from Recent and Tragic Condo Collapse in Florida

Lessons Learned from Recent and Tragic Condo Collapse in Florida is discussed [Read More]

Common Issues

August 11, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Michele Farley

Tips for Sustainable Fire Safety & Fire Code Compliance

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2021 Newsletter

Condo Living

August 11, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Patricia Elia

Common Element Etiquette

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2021 Newsletter

Common Issues

August 11, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ashley Winberg

Water Safety and your Condo

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2021 Newsletter

Common Issues

August 11, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Rolly Mechler

Top 5 Elevator Safety Tips

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2021 Newsletter

Common Issues

August 11, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Kirsten Dale

Dock & Shoreline Safety for Condos

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2021 Newsletter

Common Issues

August 11, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Debbie Dale

Ready? Set? Go... Where's your Go Bag?

From the CCI Huronia Summer 2021 Newsletter


May 14, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Condo Catch-Up

Our panel talked about: elevators rules vs. policies virtual meetings/electronic voting obstacles with respect to maintenance and repairs electric vehicles/charging stations funding vaccine policies and passports "Borrowing" from your Reserve fund - what happens at your audit Occupier’s Liability Act changes Service Line Warranty Program [Read More]

Condo Living

March 26, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Hot 10 Fire Prevention Tips for Condos

Fire damage, like water damage, is one of the most common insurance claims in condos. While it is hard to prevent water claims, fire related claims are more preventable. Join our panel of experts as they discussed the "Hot" Ten Fire Prevention tips you can implement at your condo to help protect residents, property and reduce insurance claims. [Read More]


March 25, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Dr. Mabel Hsin

Mental Health During Covid-19

From the CCI Huronia Spring 2021 Condo Buzz Newsletter


March 25, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Sonja Hodis

the Positive Side of Covid-19

From the CCI Huronia Spring 2021 Condo Buzz Newsletter


March 25, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Jeff Struewing

Covid-19 Impact on Condominiums

From the CCI Huronia Spring 2021 Condo Buzz Newsletter


March 25, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Joanna Tomaszewski

How Covid-19 Impacted Communicating in Condos

From the CCI Huronia Spring 2021 Condo Buzz Newsletter


March 25, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Patricia Elia

Condos, Covid, and Compliance

From the CCI Huronia Spring 2021 Condo Buzz Newsletter

Chapter Newsletters

March 24, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Spring 2021 Condo Buzz

Check out the Spring 2021 edition of Condo Buzz!! Filled with lots of interesting and helpful information on condominium safety for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.


February 19, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Hindsight into 2020

Hindsight is 2020 - especially last year. The courts and tribunals did not slow down in 2020, despite having to adapt to a pandemic, and neither did condo disputes. Join our panel of condo lawyers as they reviewed and discussed important cases from 2020 and share the important lessons the courts and tribunals have delivered. [Read More]


January 27, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Intro to Condos Course

This course provides not only Directors but also Owners, Residents and Potential Purchasers with more in-depth knowledge and understanding of condominiums. [Read More]


January 12, 2021 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Condos and COVID Update Webinar

Update on Government Announcements re COVID ; COVID measures and Impact on Condos ; How to Control Access to Common Elements ; Managing Information ; Air Quality in Condos - Regulatory vs. Practical ; Benefits of Virtual Meetings that Extend beyond COVID ; Fire Code/Safety ; Condo Market Update ; Roofing Project Success Despite COVID [Read More]

Chapter Newsletters

December 8, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

First Edition of Condo Buzz!!

Check out the First Edition of Condo Buzz!! Filled with lots of interesting and helpful information on condominium safety for condo owners, Board members, property managers and professionals in the condo community.


October 16, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Virtual Meetings

Virtual Meetings are the new norm. Join our "Zoom Master" who will you give some tips on how to use Zoom and the features within it during your meetings. Also join our panel of lawyers and property managers who will take you through the process of holding a meeting virtually, provide tips and point out traps to avoid based on their experiences to date. [Read More]


September 18, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

The New Normal - What Does Condo Land Look Like Now?

Join Sonja Hodis and a great line up of guests from chapters across Ontario as we discuss what Condo Land looks like after 6 months of living through the COVID pandemic. CCI Huronia would like to thank our webinar sponsors: Elia Associates, FCS Fire Consulting, Cion Coulter, Percel Property Management, Bayshore Property Management, and Integrity Property Management [Read More]


June 10, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Electronic Meeting and Voting Bylaws - What you Need to Know

Join our panel of lawyers and property managers as we discuss issues and factors that should be considered when drafting electronic meeting and voting bylaws. Thank you to our sponsors: Elia Associates PC CWB Maximum Financial Condogenie [Read More]


June 9, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Webinar #11 COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

Join CCI Huronia Board members, Dr. Hsin and our guest from CCI Toronto as we discuss issues that affect condos during the COVID crisis and reopening phases. [Read More]


May 26, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Webinar #10 COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

Join CCI Huronia and our guests from CCI Toronto and CCI Northwestern Ontario as we discuss issues condos are facing during the COVID crisis and as we begin to open amenities. [Read More]


May 19, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Webinar #9 COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

Join CCI once again this week while we talk to industry experts about issues concerning condos during COVID. Topics include insurance, the real estate market and how to do deal with showings, fire safety testing, building inspections, terms to put in tendering documents, new ideas on how to communicate with owners and dealing with loneliness. In addition, a special message from the Mayor of Barrie. [Read More]


May 12, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Webinar #8 COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

Join CCI Huronia Board of Directors and our guests as we discuss issues that condos are dealing with during the COVID crisis and as we plan for reopening. Members of the CCI Windsor chapter join us this week. [Read More]


May 5, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Webinar #7 - COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

Topics for this webinar include: Virtual Owner Meetings and Electronic Voting - A Manager's Perspective Virtual Owner Meetings and Electronic Voting - A Lawyer's Perspective Virtual Board Meetings - Tips and Tricks Lines of Credit - A Financing Option Liens During COVID - Why you need a Policy? Dealing with Acute Stress in Light of Lifestyle Changes Funding for Small Business During Pandemic Maintaining Communities: Some New Ideas


April 28, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Webinar #6 - COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

Topics covered 1. Real Estate Viewings in Units - How can Property Management and Real Estate Agents Work Together 2. Vacant Land Condos - What should you be thinking about? 3. Project Planning - Looking Forward to the Future 4. What to do if you have an ongoing or upcoming project 5. Building Resilience During the Pandemic 6. Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting in light of new Ontario Order


April 21, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Webinar #5 - COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

Webinar #5 topics include Greetings from National Better Ways to Communicate Important Messages The Role of Management Company, Manager and Director during COVID 19 COVID 19 - A Condominium Front Line Perspective Landscaping and What is Strictly Necessary - 3 Experiences from 3 Different Municipalities Deemed Essential Letter - A Way to Document Your Decision on What is Essential Pillars of Life - Ways to Deal With Staying in Unit

Chapter Newsletters

April 14, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia Spring 2020 Newsletter

Newsletter of the CCI Huronia Chapter


April 14, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Webinar #4 - COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

Topics discussed during Webinar #5 include: New essential services list and what it means; Landscaping; What should townhouse style condos do; Fire safety plans; Activities condos are doing to stay connected; Creative ways to deal with common expense fees; Knowing who you should deal with if owner is incapacitated or has died; Emergency unit repairs; and, COVID and your drains


April 7, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

Webinar #3 - COVID 19 A Discussion with Condo Experts on How to Handle This Crisis in Your Condo

Topics discussed this week include: Seasonal Residents and the new Barrie COVID-19 Emergency Measures Bylaw Enforcing Quarantine and Resources in the Community Domestic Travel Restrictions and Rights Cleaning, Disinfecting and Beyond Delayed Construction Payments due to COVID and the New Prompt Payment Legislation Ventilation Systems Fire Code Updates Special guest speakers include the Mayor of Barrie, VP of the local health unit and members of CCI Eastern Ontario Chapter


March 31, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Sonja Hodis, Patricia Elia, Ashley Winberg, Michele Farley, Mina Tesseris, Debbie Dale, Jeff Struewing, Evan Shkolnik, Ryan Griffiths, Ashley Lamb

COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

Join our panel of experts in our second webinar in the series as they talk about CCI’s efforts to obtain necessary legislative changes for condos, Borrowing, Communication Strategies, Fire Code and Tarion updates, Reserve Funds, Force Majeure , Requests for Accommodation under Human Rights Code, Protocols for Moving/Deliveries, Showings, Visitors, & Access to essential common amenities, and a condo's ability to enforcing self isolation and quarantine rules


March 24, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Sonja Hodis, Patricia Elia, Ashley Winberg, Michele Farley, Mina Tesseris, Debbie Dale, Jeff Struewing, Evan Shkolnik

COVID-19- A Discussion with Condo Industry Experts on How to Handle this Crisis

COVID 19 has presented challenging and unprecedented times for condos. Directors and managers are dealing with many new issues that raise a ton of questions. Join a panel of lawyers, property managers, engineers and a fire safety expert to get answers to those questions. This is one of many webinars hosted by CCI Huronia on COVID 19 and Condos.


March 16, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ashley Winberg & Patricia Elia

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 2: Immediate Actions To Be Taken By All Condominium Corporations

Restrictions imposed by the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have required that Canadians immediately change our way of life; however, few condominium corporations have taken action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


March 12, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter - Author(s): Ashley Winberg

COVID-19 Bulletin No. 1: Preventative Measures and the Protection of Vulnerable Populations within Condominium Communities

On Wednesday, the World Health Organization declared to the eruption of COVID-19 as a pandemic, which can have serious health consequences and be fatal for the elderly and individuals with underlying medical conditions.

Chapter Newsletters

February 20, 2020 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia - Newsletter Winter 2020

Newsletter of the CCI Huronia Chapter

Chapter Newsletters

August 7, 2019 - Published by Huronia Chapter

CCI Huronia - Newsletter Summer 2019

Newsletter of the CCI Huronia Chapter

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This is solely a curation of materials. Not all of this information is created, provided or vetted by CCI. Some of the information is only applicable to certain provinces. CCI does not make any warranties about the reliability or accuracy of any information found in the materials on this website. The information is not updated to reflect changes in legislation or case law and therefore may not always be current and up-to-date. We suggest you seek professional advice with respect to your specific issues or regarding any questions that arise out of the material. We will not be liable for any losses or damages in connection with the use of any of the material found on the website.

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